

Liu Ruilong and Special Treatment and Protection for Dependants of Soldiers Fighting Japanese Invaders in Huaibei Jiangsu-Anhui Border Areas
摘要 1941年8月至1945年10月,刘瑞龙任淮北苏皖边区行署主任期间,领导制定并颁布施行了一系列优待和保障该区抗属的条例、法规,建立起了抗属优待和保障制度。为落实这些制度,他一方面注重相关思想教育、确立优待和保障抗属的生活标准、提出保障抗属生活的具体措施、提出优抗工作组织领导的具体要求,以及提高抗属的社会地位等,推动该区抗属优待和保障工作的展开;另一方面适时总结抗属优待和保障工作的成绩,实事求是地指出存在的问题,以求不断改进。最终,淮北苏皖边区形成了具有中共抗日民族统一战线性质;党委重视,政府主导,军队、群众共同参与;精神优待、物质优待、婚姻保障多种方式并举的这一独具特色的抗属优待和保障模式,对中共在该地的扩军和抗战动员起到了重要作用。 When he was the director of the Huaibei Jiangsu-Anhui Border Area Administration from August 1941 to October 1945,Liu Ruilong played the leading role in the formulation and promulgation of a series of preferential rules and regulations to protect the dependants of the soldiers who were fighting against the Japanese invaders in this area,and protection systems for servicemen’s family members were established.In order to implement the systems,he emphasized relevant ideological education,specified the preferential treatment and protection standards,proposed specific measures and specific requirements to ensure the livelihood of military dependants and made efforts to improve their social status.On the other hand,in order to continuously improve the protection work for servicemen’s family members,they lost no time to sum up their work and point out the problems.Eventually,the Huaibei Jiangsu-Anhui border area became a part of the CPC-led anti-Japanese national united front.The party committee attached importance to it,with the government taking the lead,and the armed forces and the local people taking part.This unique preferential mode was a combination of spiritual,material,and marital protection and support,and it played an important role in CPC’s military expansion and anti-Japanese mobilization in this area.
作者 房列曙 Fang Lieshu(School of History and Society,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu,Anhui 241000)
出处 《军事历史研究》 2020年第1期20-37,共18页 Military History Research
关键词 刘瑞龙 淮北苏皖边区 抗日军人家属 优待保障 Liu Ruilong Huaibei Jiangsu-Anhui border area dependants of soldiers fighting Japanese invaders protection and support








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