To achieve the goal of becoming stronger,we should not simply copy the experience of becomingricher.In other words,we should get rid of all out-of-date thinking patterns,stereotypes and paths.The new concept for development is a guiding principle for China’s modernization drive and providesa new methodology for the great leap from"getting rich"to"getting strong":The focus of innovativedevelopment has shifted from"comparative advantages"to"competitive advantages";the focus ofcoordinated development has shifted from"making up the weak"to"strengthening the advantageous";the focus of green development has shifted from"doing subtraction"to"doing addition";the focusof open development has shifted from"playing away"to"playing home";the focus of sharing thedevelopment has shifted from"preferential treatment"to"universal benefits".It is of great theoreticaland practical significance to study and publicize the new methodology and dialectical thinkingcontained in the new concept for development.
Jiangsu Social Sciences