
中国共产党形象塑造的百年历程、历史经验和时代要求 被引量:10

The 100-Year History, Historical Experience and Current Requirement of Image Management of the Communist Party of China(CPC)
摘要 在领导中国人民救国、兴国、富国、强国的百年历史进程中,中国共产党历来高度重视自身形象塑造问题,党的形象塑造呈现了不同的阶段性特征。党在百年形象塑造历史进程中积累了十分宝贵的经验,主要包括:必须在思想上明确政党形象塑造的价值意义,把政党形象塑造放在突出的战略地位,这是政党形象塑造的逻辑前提;必须坚持以人民为中心的政党本色,建设"服务型"马克思主义政党,这是政党形象塑造的价值指向;必须抓住领导干部这个"关键少数",充分发挥其模范带头作用,这是政党形象塑造的核心要求;必须综合运用多种宣传媒介,不断提升政党宣传的能力和水平,这是政党形象塑造的关键环节;必须勇于自我革命,在从严治党中推进党的建设"伟大工程",这是政党形象塑造的基本路径;必须建立健全党的建设制度体系,建设马克思主义法治型执政党,这是政党形象塑造的根本保障。当前,在全党开展党史学习教育活动中引导广大党员正确了解党和国家历史上的重大事件和重要人物、自觉维护党的光辉形象,这是党的形象塑造的时代要求,也是我们探讨中国共产党形象塑造百年历程和基本经验得出的一个主要结论。 In the 100-year historical course of leading the Chinese people to save,rejuvenate,enrich and strengthen the country,the Communist Party of China has always attached great importance to building its own image.The 100-year history of the Party’s image management has different characteristics at different stages.The Party has accumulated extremely valuable experience in developing its image in the past century,which mainly includes:It is necessary to make clear ideologically the value and significance of building the Party’s image and give priority to it strategically,which is the logical prerequisite for image management of the Party;it is necessary to adhere to the people-centered nature of the Party and build a"service-oriented"Marxist political party,which is the value orientation of the Party’s image management;it is necessary to focus on leading cadres and give full play to their exemplary and leading role,which is the core requirement for the Party’s image management;it is necessary to use a variety of media to continuously improve the ability and level of the Party’s publicity,which is a key step in creating the Party’s image;it is necessary to be brave in starting the self-revolution and promote the great construction project of the Party through the strict governance of the Party,which is the basic path to creating the image of the Party;it is necessary to establish and improve the system of the Party construction and build a rule-by-law Marxist governing party,which is the fundamental guarantee for the Party’s image management.At present,it is required that all the Party members be guided to have a correct understanding of major events and important figures in the history of the Party and the country through Party history learning and education among all of its members and consciously maintain the glorious image of the Party,which is the current requirement for the image management of the Party,and which is also a major conclusion drawn from the discussion on the 100-year history and basic experience of image management of the Communist Party of China.
作者 张士海 靳大力 Zhang Shihai;Jin Dali
出处 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期1-10,241,共11页 Jiangsu Social Sciences
基金 山东省社会科学规划重点项目“新时代中国共产党形象塑造问题研究”(18BXSXJ12) 国家社科基金后期资助项目“十八大以来加强党的意识形态工作研究”(20FKSB020)阶段性成果
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