

Towards an Asian Forest Urbanism
摘要 自古以来,城市林业和城市植树活动一直是亚洲人居历史的一部分。对城市林业的关注也延续至今,而这种传统必然比20世纪末“城市林业”和“森林城市主义”概念的提出更为久远。不论是在20世纪60年代的中国单位大院住宅区,还是同一时期首尔具有历史意义的公寓大楼,或者越南长期以来的普通分配住房区中,树木无处不在,并奠定了人居环境的品质。作为印度、新加坡、越南和中国国家建设项目中的一个关键组成部分,密集型都市林业再次受到了广泛关注,它也是当前中国生态文明建设的一大重要实践。抛开城市背景不论,亚洲地区的森林栖居传统已有几千年的历史。本地林居社区体现出了一种更大的自然文化世界观和叙事,所有这些都与社会生态意义上的人居环境建设实践深深交织。尽管亚洲各地有着截然不同的栖居模式,也有着各种各样的聚落肌理,但它们通常都会系统地种植树木。在全球变暖的背景下,我们应当重新阐明这一古老的传统并从中吸取专业智慧,以应对气候危机、创造更健康的居住环境。 Since time immemorial,urban forestry and city tree planting have been part and parcel of the history of settling in Asia.Attention to urban forestry was a living tradition.It surely predates the late 20th century notions of urban forestry and forest urbanism.Trees are omnipresent(and create environmental quality)in the Chinese danwei housing estates(and production units)of the 1960s as much as in the monumental apartment blocks of Seoul of the same period or the average housing allotment in Vietnam,regardless the period.Intensive urban forestry resurfaced as a key element in the nation building projects as in India,Singapore,Vietnam,and China,where it is presently rearticulated in light of the project for an ecological civilization.Urban context or not,settling with and within forests has occurred for millennia in Asia.Indigenous forest-dwelling communities are part of a larger set of nature-culture worldviews and narratives,all which are deeply intertwined with socio-ecologically-articulated settlement practices.Although there are very different settlement patterns across Asia,with a variety of tissue components,they are more often than not systematically planted with trees.In the era of global warming,it is key to rearticulate this age-old tradition and exploit the acquired expertise,to face the consequences of the climate crisis,while simultaneously creating healthier settlements.
作者 布鲁诺·德·缪德尔 凯利·香农 田乐(译) 肖杰(译) Bruno DE MEULDER;Kelly SHANNON;Tina TIAN;Jie XIAO(OSA Research Group,Department of Architecture,Faculty of Engineering Science,KU Leuven,Heverlee B-3001,Belgium;不详)
出处 《景观设计学(中英文)》 CSCD 2023年第1期4-12,共9页 Landscape Architecture Frontiers
关键词 城市林业 森林城市主义 亚洲传统 全球变暖 人居环境建设实践 Urban Forestry Forest Urbanism Asian Traditions Global Warming Settlement Practices
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