At the beginning of 2021,with the rise of upstream cost prices on the production side and the sharp increase in U.S.bond yields,people are worried about whether there will be excessive inflation in China.We think that the moderate increase in the price level in early 2021 was mainly driven by the increase in the cost-end price caused by the increase in commodity prices,but China will not experience"excessive inflation"because of the following reasons.Firstly,the downstream demand has not yet returned to the state before the COVID-2019 epidemic.Secondly,the increase in cost has limited the increase in the overall price level.Thirdly,the price increase of capital goods is higher than that of consumer goods without the long-term sustainability.Fourthly,China’s macroeconomic control policies are relatively flexible.However,China still needs to prevent financial risks and asset bubbles in the formulation of macroeconomic control policies,strengthen the service function of the financial system to the real economy,and strengthen the structural adjustment of macroeconomic control policies.
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