

Friendship and Ecstasy in the Beatifific Vision:The Mystical Aspect of Aquinas’Theory of Happiness
摘要 在阿奎那的思想中,人最完满的幸福便是对上帝的直观(visio Dei,荣福直观),其核心是对上帝本质的把握和享受(frui)。而这一享受,无疑是对上帝之爱(caritas)的结果。^(①)而阿奎那不厌其烦地说,这种爱,从本质而言是一种友爱(amor amicitae)。^(②)但如果我们分析阿奎那幸福思想中对上帝之爱的完成,即作为完满幸福的荣福直观,则会发现它似乎更符合阿奎那对欲求之爱(amor concupiscientiae)的描述。 According to Aquinas’s theory of happiness,the perfect beatitude of human beings is the vision of God(visio Dei),which is the comprehension and enjoyment of God’s essence.On this account,the appetitive act,insofar as it aims at the realization of one’s proper nature,seems nothing but a concupiscent love(amor concupiscientiae).Aquinas,however,refers to this very relationship as“friendship”(amor amicitiae).To resolve this tension,the author firstly argues,based on relavent texts of Aquinas,that the term“friendship”is,for Aquinas,a substantial appetition,in which the lover departs from her essence and wills the good for the sake of the loved.In the perfect apprehensive act,namely,the vision of God,we also ascertain the same character of ecstasy(extasis):the human apprehensive capacity transcends its secular nature and apprehends God’s essence directly and thereby obtains its new,perfect nature.Meanwhile,the friendship between human beings and God grounds the possibility of the perfect and permanent ecstasy of a person’s apprehensive capacity.Therefore,in the sense of departing from one’s essence and embracing God’s,the vision of God turns out to be a friendship between human beings and God.This essay thus shows the importance of the mystical term“extasis”in our understanding of Aquinas’s account of beatitude.
作者 归伶昌 GUI Lingchang(School of Philosophy,Huazhong University of Science&Technology)
出处 《基督教文化学刊》 2021年第2期26-48,共23页 Journal for the Study of Christian Culture
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“托马斯阿奎那《问题辩论集》的翻译与研究”(项目编号17BZX011)的阶段性成果之一
关键词 阿奎那 上帝之爱 幸福论 友爱 神秘主义 幸福思想 完满 欲求 Aquinas visio Dei beatitude friendship ecstasy
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