

A Preliminary Study of Socialist Thought in Barth’s Early Theology
摘要 一、问题缘起1972年马库尔德(Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt,1928-2002)出版了他的著作《神学与社会主义:以卡尔·巴特为例》(Theologie und Sozialismus:Das Beispiel Karl Barths)。他直言:"早在当今的基督徒与马克思主义者对话之前,巴特在他的神学中已发展出了社会主义内容(sozialistischen Gehalt)。"(1)由此,德语神学界掀起了一场持久不休的激烈争论,并因此而分裂为左翼和右翼巴特神学阵营。 In 1972 Marquardt’s book Theology and Socialism: The Example of Karl Barth was published, and he claimed that Barth had developed socialist content in his theology long before contemporary dialogues between Christians and Marxists. However, Marquardt’s remarks about Barth’s socialism in theology are too general to allow us to define its development and characteristics. It would be helpful if we divide Barth’s theology into three periods: early, middle and late periods, or Theology of Crisis, Dialectical Theology and Church Dogmatical Theology. This article hopes to focus on Barth’s early theology and explore the characteristics of Barth’s socialist ideas in this early stage by looking through Barth’s own views on socialism and other people’s remarks on Barth. The author argues that apart from being influenced by Christian socialism, religious socialism, Marxism and Leninism, the socialist thought in Barth’s early theology was "Gospel Socialism in Praxis," developed while he was a pastor in Safenwil and dealing with workers’ problems. Barth holds the following ideas: that the Kingdom of God has come to the poor;that Jesus rejected the concept of private property;that socialist demands are an important part of the application of the Gospel;that Christians can change the world via socialism because God is at work. Studying the socialist thought in Barth’s early theology can help illuminate the absurdity of the so-called "inevitable ideological conflict" between Marxism and Christian culture.
作者 李志雄 LI Zhixiong(College of Literature and Journalism,Xiangtan University)
出处 《基督教文化学刊》 2019年第1期70-89,共20页 Journal for the Study of Christian Culture
基金 国家社科基金项目“马克思主义视域中的文艺影响力研究”(项目编号:17BZW056)的相关性成果之一~~.
关键词 KARL Barth’s Early THEOLOGY CHRISTIAN SOCIALISM GOSPEL SOCIALISM in Praxis MARXISM Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt Karl Barth’s Early Theology Christian Socialism Gospel Socialism in Praxis Marxism Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt
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