

The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for the Sinicization of Catholicism:A Theological,Historical and Comparative Investigation
摘要 依纳爵神操是耶稣会核心的灵修方法和特重的传教手段,对于天主教"中国化"具有神学的、历史的和比较研究的重要价值。神操以"从万物中找到主"作为"选择"的宗旨和方法,为耶稣会在其全球传教活动中的本地化实践提供了神学的资源。作为耶稣会士海外传教实践中活的世界观与方法论,造就了诸如利玛窦、殷铎泽等来华传教士的成功的文化调适策略,开启了天主教"中国化"的历史进程。"梵二"及其后,以依纳爵神操为核心的耶稣会灵修在整个罗马天主教会的"本地化"潮流中继续发生影响。其中,印度耶稣会神学家在"本地化"神学和比较宗教研究领域的成就和贡献可为天主教"中国化"提供跨宗教、跨文化的有益借鉴。 As the core spiritual program of the Jesuit Society and one of its key methods of propagating the Christian faith,the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises can provide significant theological,historical and comparative insights into the"sinicization"of Catholicism,or the indigenization of Catholic Church in China.Theologically speaking,by making"finding God in all things"the exercise and the goal in making every decision,the Spiritual Exercises-formed Jesuits are able to discover God’s individual will and indigenize their mission in their dispatches around the world.Historically,the accommodation strategies of such pioneer Jesuits as Matteo Ricci and Prosper Intorcetta had initiated the sinicization process and laid a strong foundation for the Catholic Church in China.Since VaticanⅡ,the Jesuit spirituality,with the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises at its core,has continued to play a role in the new momentum of indigenization within the Catholic Church.The Jesuit theologians in India,with their recent developments in the areas of theology of indigenization and comparative religion,may provide a particularly useful reference point for the continuing effort of indigenizing the Catholic church in China or its"sinicization".
作者 沈满琳 Shen Manlin
出处 《基督宗教研究》 2020年第1期311-325,共15页 Study of Christianity
关键词 天主教 中国化 依纳爵 神操 耶稣会 Ignatius of Loyola Spiritual Exercises Society of Jesus Catholicism Sinicization
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