

Finite element simulation of mechanical behavior of monolithic precast shear wall with concrete tenon and mortise under medium and high shear span ratio
摘要 采用ABAQUS建立了中高剪跨比榫卯连接装配整体式剪力墙的有限元模型,将分析结果中的骨架曲线、混凝土应变和损伤云图、钢筋应力云图与拟静力试验结果进行对比,并在此基础上研究了后浇混凝土强度、边缘构件纵筋配筋率对墙体受力性能的影响。结果表明,采用ABAQUS建立的榫卯剪力墙模型可以反映其真实受力状态;提高后浇混凝土强度对墙体破坏形态影响不大,峰值荷载前墙体刚度略增,峰值荷载后承载力退化变化不明显,当后浇混凝土强度不低于预制混凝土强度时更有利于墙体承载力的充分发挥;提高边缘构件纵筋配筋率,峰值荷载前墙体刚度增大,峰值荷载后承载力退化速率加快,墙体延性系数均大于5,具有较好的变形性能,当配筋率从0.85%逐渐提高到3.36%时,承载力增幅较大。 By using ABAQUS,the model of monolithic precast shear wall with concrete tenon and mortise under medium and high shear span ratio was built,and then the analysis results including the skeleton curve,the strain and damage distributions of concrete,and the strain distribution of reinforcement were compared with the quasi-static test one.The effects of the strength of cast-in-situ concrete and the ratio of longitudinal reinforcement of edge members on the mechanical performance of the wall were further studied.The results show the model of monolithic precast shear wall with concrete tenon and mortise which was built by ABAQUS can reflect the actual stress state.Increasing the strength of cast-in-situ concrete has little effect on the failure mode of the wall.The stiffness of the wall increases slightly before the peak load,and the degradation of bearing capacity after the peak load is not obvious.When the strength of cast-in-situ concrete is not lower than that of precast concrete,the bearing capacity of the wall can be brought into full play.By increasing the longitudinal reinforcement ratio of edge members,the stiffness increases before the peak load,and the degradation rate of bearing capacity accelerates after the peak load.All of the ductility coefficients are more than 5,which indicates that the deformability of the wall is great.When the reinforcement ratio is gradually increased from 0.85%to 3.36%,the bearing capacity increases obviously.
作者 虞晓雪 初明进 李祥宾 刘继良 YU Xiaoxue;CHU Mingjin;LI Xiangbin;LIU Jiliang(Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Urban Design,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Beijing 100044,China;School of Civil Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China)
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第S01期1794-1800,共7页 Building Structure
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51778034) 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2018PEE024) 北京市属高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(X18179,X19003)
关键词 榫卯连接装配整体式剪力墙 有限元 剪跨比 配筋率 混凝土强度 monolithic precast shear wall with concrete tenon and mortise finite element shear span ratio reinforcement ratio concrete strength
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