

Review of Discourses of Ageing and Gender-The Impact of Public and Private on the Identity of Ageing Women
摘要 本文介绍了英国伯明翰大学的克莱尔·安德森(Clare Anderson)博士于2018年出版的《衰老与性别话语——公共话语与私域话语对老年女性的影响》一书。笔者对该书的内容做了简要介绍,并从该书的理论意义、现实价值、学术启发等方面对该书做了简评。本文认为该书从话语研究的角度出发探讨媒体对于女性形象的构建以及公共话语对私域话语产生的影响这一研究切入点令人耳目一新。本书的研究成果从学术角度上为有志于从事这方面研究的学者提供了新的素材和启发,从社会实践的角度上为我们重新审视女性在媒体眼中的形象以及女性对自我重新定位和评价方面提供了理论依据。 This book review is made on Discourses of Ageing and Gender by Dr.Clare Anderson from University of Birmingham in 2018.Besides giving a brief introduction,I also made comments on its theoretical significance,practical value and the inspirations it might bring to other researchers.The book explores how the media constructs the images of women and to what extend women’s private discourse concerning ageing and gender is affected by private discourse,which is almost fresh new to us.What’s more,the research result of this book provides new material and inspiration for those who has interest in this topic as well as theoretical tool for us in reviewing the images of women in media and self-positioning and evaluation.
作者 张琳琳 Zhang Linlin(Tianjin Foreign Studies University;Hebei University)
出处 《话语研究论丛》 2020年第1期-,共10页 Discourse Studies Forum
关键词 公共话语 私域话语 老年女性 public discourse private discourse ageing women
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