

on the Practice Teaching of Human Resource Management in Colleges and Universities
摘要 人力资源管理专业作为一门应用性强、实践能力要求高的学科,教学方式的选择是否恰当直接关系学生的学习情况,也间接地影响着学生其他专业课程的学习效果。只有对人力资源管理专业课程的教学方式进行改革创新,开展实践型教学课程,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的实践能力,才能确保学生发展为社会需要的、实践能力足够的应用型人才。现阶段,很多学生在学习时很难对人力资源管理专业产生直观的感受,加之目前该课程的教学中存在着教学方式单一、枯燥的问题,导致学生的学习热情不足,教学效果也不如人意。基于此,教师必须对教学方式进行创新改革,不断探索最有效的实践教学模式,化理论教学方式为理论与实践相结合的教学方式,通过实践教学的过程提高学生的理解能力,帮助学生对该课程、该专业产生具体直观的认知,从而提升学生的实践能力,为学生今后的工作奠定基础保障。文章分析人力资源管理专业教学中存在的问题,并提出了人力资源管理专业实践教学的有效对策,希望能够为我国高等教育事业的发展与改革提出一些可行性的建议。 As a discipline with strong application and high demand for practical ability,human resource management is directly related to students’learning situation and indirectly affects the learning effect of other professional courses.Only by reforming and innovating the teaching methods of human resource management courses,carrying out practical teaching courses,stimulating students’interest in learning and improving their practical ability,can we ensure that students can develop into application-oriented talents with sufficient practical ability needed by the society.At the present stage,many students find it difficult to have an intuitive feeling for the major of human resource management in their study.In addition,the teaching method of this course is monotonous and boring,which leads to the failure of students’enthusiasm for learning and unsatisfactory teaching effect.Based on this,teachers must innovate and reform the teaching method,and constantly explore the most effective practical teaching mode and theoretical teaching method For the teaching method combining theory with practice,it can improve students’understanding ability through the process of practice teaching and help students to have a concrete and intuitive cognition of the course and the major,so as to improve students’practical ability and lay a foundation for future work.Based on the problems existing in the teaching of human resource management specialty,this paper puts forward some effective countermeasures for the practical teaching of human resource management specialty,and hopes to put forward some feasible Suggestions for the development and reform of the cause of higher education in China.
作者 唐永峰 Tang Yongfeng(Hunan Automobile Engineering Vocational College,Zhuzhou,Hunan 412001)
出处 《花炮科技与市场》 2020年第2期160-161,共2页
关键词 高校 人力资源管理专业 教学 university Major in human resource management teaching
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