

Changing of the Positions of Offense and Defense:The Evolution of Young People’s Historical View and the Corresponding Response
摘要 以"东升西降"为特征的百年未有之大变局,与中美贸易战、新冠肺炎疫情所带来的国情世情在新发展阶段、新发展格局下的新变化,引起了青年思想的相应变化。作为这种变化的一个重要表征,青年历史观的"攻守易势"构成了对时代格局"攻守易势"的某种回应。青年历史观在平台、立场、理念等方面呈现出一些值得充分肯定的积极因素,同时,对其"双刃剑"效应和潜在隐患,也需要未雨绸缪,进行有效驾驭与导控。聚焦历史,以历史关注与历史兴趣为导引,锻造青年人的政治领悟力和判断力。以史为鉴,以客观的史实和史识为根基,深植青年人的家国情怀和忧患意识。论从史出,以主流意识形态在全媒体中的出场为依托,涵养青年人的广阔视野和理性思维。警惕"饭圈化"背景下的网络民族主义和历史虚无主义两种极端,使青年真正走向政治上的成熟理性。 Nowadays the world is experiencing a great change unprecedented in a century,which features“the East is rising and with it comes a decline of the West”.Sino-US trade war and the COVID-19 epidemic brought about new changes in the national condition and the world under the new development stage and new development pattern,which leads to the“corresponding changes in the thinking of young people.As an important manifestation,the“change of the positions of offense and defense”of the young people’s historical view constitutes a certain response to the change of the positions of offense and defense”of the pattern of the time.In terms of platform,standpoint,and idea,the young people’s historical view presents some positive factors that deserve to be fully affirmed.At the same time,the“double-edged sword”effect and hidden dangers of the view should never be underestimated which needs effective control and guidance.Focusing on the history,and guided by the concern of and interest in the history,we should forge the political insight and judgment of the young people;Taking history as a mirror and objective historical facts and knowledge as the foundation,we should deeply implant patriotism in the minds of young peopleand keep them alert to potential risks.We should create theories based on history and make it mainstream ideology to be published in omnimedia to cultivate the broad vision and rational thinking of young people.We should guard against the two extremes of cyber nationalism and historical nihilism in the context of“fanboyism/fangirlism”,so that young people can truly become politically mature and rational.
作者 曹东勃 梁思思 Cao Dongbo;Liang Sisi
出处 《海派经济学》 2021年第4期227-240,共14页 Journal of Economics of Shanghai School
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“面向‘00后’大学生的思想政治教育话语创新研究”(20BKS106)的阶段性成果
关键词 青年历史观 攻守易势 党史教育 全媒体 Young People’s Historical View Changing of the Positions of Offense and Defense CPC History Education Omnimedia
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