
郑成功的身份认定与挪位——以中日文人的不同书写为中心 被引量:1

The Identification of Zheng Chenggong with Displacement:Centered on the Different Writing by Chinese and Japanese Scholars
摘要 历史一方面是真实发生的事件及其序列,另一方面也是他人的不断建构和改写。中国历史人物郑成功在日本历代文人的笔下便经历了一个其身份不断被建构和改写的过程:江户时代,日本文人将郑成功界定为"吾大东日本之人",体现了郑成功身份的日本文化属性;近代日本,郑成功的身份被认定为具有日本人特征的"日本种子发出的芽",体现了郑成功身份的中日文化交融属性;现代日本,日本文人从郑成功身份的中国文化属性出发,认定郑成功为"东亚大英雄"。与此相参照,中国对郑成功的身份认定也是随时代而变迁:南明时期,郑成功被封为"延平郡王";清朝时期则实现了从认定郑成功为"乱臣贼子"到"明季遗臣"再到承认其"延平郡王"身份的转变;抗战时期,郑成功被尊为"民族英雄";"二战"以降,在全球化的背景下,郑成功又被赋予"海洋英雄""东亚英雄"的称号。研究郑成功身份的书写史,不仅是深入认识郑成功本人的关键,也是揭示自江户时代至今日本人对中国文化的接受与拒斥等复杂民族心态的突破口。 On the one hand,history is made of the actual events and their sequence;on the other hand,it is also the continuous construction and rewriting by people.Zheng Chenggong,a Chinese historical figure,underwent a process in which his identity was constantly constructed and rewritten under the pen of Japanese literati.In the Edo period,the Japanese literati identified Zheng Chenggong as"Japanese"by origin,which represented the Japanese cultural feature in Zheng Chenggong’s identityconstruction.In modern Japan,Zheng Chenggong was identified as the"germination of Japanese seeds",which reflected the merging nature of Sino-Japanese culture.In contemporary Japan,Japanese scholars identified Zheng Chenggong as"the Hero of East Asia",considering the Chinese cultural feature of Zheng Chenggong.In contrast,China’s recognition of Zheng chenggong’s identity also changes with the times.In the Nanming period,Zheng Chenggong was named as"Yanping Junwang"(the Duke of Yanping).During the Qing Dynasty,Zheng Chenggong’s identity changed from the"rebel and traitor"to the"adherent of the past Ming Dynasty",and then to"Yanping Junwang".In the period of the Anti-Japanese War,Zheng Chenggong was honored as a"National Hero".After the World War II,in the context of the globalization,Zheng Chenggong has been given the title of"Ocean Hero"and"East Asian Hero".The study of the writing history of Zheng chenggong’s identity is not only critical to a deeper understanding of Zheng chenggong himself,but also a breakthrough to reveal the Japanese reception and rejection of Chinese culture and other complicated national mentality since the Edo period.
作者 寇淑婷 曹顺庆 KOU Shu-ting;CAO Shun-qing(School of Literature and Journalism,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064,Sichuan,China)
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期43-50,共8页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
基金 四川省社会科学“十三五”规划项目“成都都市景观在日本文学中的衍生与流变”(SC19B066)阶段性成果 四川大学2019年春季创新火花项目库重点项目“日本所藏郑成功资料文献的编译、整理与研究”(2019hhs-22)阶段性成果 四川大学专职博士后研发基金项目“日本文学中的郑成功形象研究”(skbsh2019-47)阶段性成果 四川大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目“日本文学与中国泰山”阶段性成果.
关键词 郑成功 身份 挪位 文化殖民 Zheng Chenggong identity displacement cultural colonization
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