
铁耕遗韵 妙笔生香——长沙市博物馆藏《铁耕斋图》研究

Charm of the Tiegeng Studio and Fragrance out of Exquisite Brushwork--Research on Drawing of the Tiegeng Studio in the Collection of the Changsha Museum
摘要 “铁耕斋”为晚清民国时期长沙知名画家雷悦斋号。长沙市博物馆藏《铁耕斋图》是雷氏邀请众多书画名家为其精心绘制的斋名画,并请一时名人雅士题跋唱和。该图分为两卷;第一卷绘制起于丁未年(1907),止于庚申年(1920),历时14年,共有十五位名家参与题跋绘制。第二卷绘制起于戊申年(1908),止于甲戌年(1934),历时27年,共有十二位名家参与题跋绘制。《铁耕斋图》参与者大多为湖湘书画名家,一时名流。因此,该作品对研究晚清民国时期湖湘书画艺术具有重要的参考价值。本文对《铁耕斋图》进行粗浅的介绍和研究,以求教于方家。 “Tiegeng Studio”is the name of the studio of renowned painter Lei Yue of Changsha in the late Qing dynasty and the Republic of China period.Drawing of the Tiegeng Studio in the collection of the Changsha Museum is the drawing exquisitely crafted for the studio by many celebrated calligraphers and painters at the invitation of Lei and inscribed with preface and postscript penned by literati of the time.This drawing is divided into two volumes.The first volume,done over a span of 14 years from 1907 to 1920,is the work of altogether 15 celebrated painters and calligraphers.The second volume,done over a span of 27 years from 1908 to 1934,is the work of altogether 12 celebrated painters and calligraphers.As most of the participants of this drawing are renowned painters,calligraphers and celebrities of Hunan,this work is of great referential value to the study of calligraphy and painting of Hunan in the late Qing dynasty and the Republic of China period.This paper is a preliminary introduction and study of Drawing of the Tiegeng Studio,written in hopes of gaining feedbacks from experts.
作者 陈立果 Chen Liguo(Changsha Museum)
机构地区 长沙市博物馆
出处 《湖南省博物馆馆刊》 2021年第1期531-541,共11页 Hunan Provincial Museum
关键词 雷悦 晚清民国 铁耕斋 Lei Yue late Qing dynasty and the Republic of China period Tiegeng Studio
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