
驴人工授精技术在规模化驴场的应用效果研究 被引量:1

Study on the application effect of artificial insemination technology in large-scale donkey farms
摘要 为了在规模化驴场推广细管精液人工授精技术,试验在新疆南疆地区2个规模化驴场开展了种公驴精液质量、诱导发情、定时排卵和不同输精技术人员等对驴细管精液人工输精效果的影响研究。结果表明:不同种公驴采精后原精活力均达到了0.7以上,密度均在2×109个/mL以上;参配母驴经前列腺素处理后,72 h内的发情率达到73.9%;利用B超监测发情母驴卵泡,当卵泡直径达到≥30 mm时,注射人绒毛膜促性腺激素2000 IU取得了较好的促排卵效果;在2个500头规模以上驴场开展了驴细管精液人工授精技术,情期受胎率分别达到了38.12%、47.67%。说明细管精液人工授精技术具备了在规模化驴场推广的条件。 In order to popularize the technique of artificial insemination of fine tube semen in large-scale donkey farms,the effects of semen quality,induced estrus,timed ovulation and different technical personnel on artificial insemination of fine tube semen were studied in two large-scale donkey farms in Southern Xinjiang.The results showed that the primordium vitality of male donkeys of different species reached more than 0.7,and the density was more than 2×109/mL.After being treated with prostaglandin,the rate of estrus within 72 h reached 73.9%.When the follicle diameter reached 30 mm or more,human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG)2000 IU was injected to induce ovulation.In two donkey farms with 500 or more donkey farms,the fertility rate of the technique reached 38.12%and 47.67%,respectively.The technique of semen artificial insemination with fine tube has the condition to be popularized in large-scale donkey farm.
作者 阿依努尔·亚森 帕热哈提江·吾普尔 张国庭 范洪先 董红 王岳强 高雪峰 郑新宝 AYNUR Yasin;PAREHATIJIANG Wupuer;ZHANG Guoting;FAN Hongxian;DONG Hong;WANG Yueqiang;GAO Xuefeng;ZHENG Xinbao(Institute of Animal Science,Xinjiang Academy of Animal Husbandry,Urumqi 830011,China)
机构地区 新疆畜牧科学院
出处 《黑龙江动物繁殖》 2021年第1期12-15,共4页 Heilongjiang journal of animal reproduction
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发专项(2020B01002-2)
关键词 诱导发情 定时排卵 细管精液 人工授精 规模化驴场 induced estrus regular ovulation tubules of semen artificial insemination large-scale donkey farm
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