6月20日,由市总工会会同团市委、市妇联联合发起的"爱在浦江幸福今生"上海百名抗疫新人盛世婚典隆重举行。股份消防急救保障部T1急救站护士马青怡和她在海关工作的丈夫王鑫也参与其中,作为上海机场唯一入选的新人代表,以爱之名谱写幸福新篇章。2020年除夕,上海启动重大突发公共卫生事件应急一级响应,为了“把好大门口的第一道防线”,浦东机场连夜组建青年突击队,率先在机场筑起战疫防线。作为浦东机场T 1急救站的护士和海关工作人员,马青怡和丈夫王鑫毅然在第一时间加入了青年突击队的行列。
On June 20, the wedding ceremony of "Love in Pujiang: Happy Life" jointly initiated by the Municipal General Office of Trade Unions and the Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Municipal Women’s Federation was held grandly for 100 couples in Shanghai who have worked to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Ma Qingyi, a nurse in T1 First-aid Station of the Fire Protection Department, and her husband, Wang Xin, who works at the customs, also participated in the wedding ceremony as the only representatives of the new couples in Shanghai Airport, to start a happy ne w chapter with love.
Airport Journal