
苏美尔人驿站系统的形成及其作用 被引量:3

The Development and Function of the Sumerian Road Station
摘要 驿站是苏美尔人建立的一种为官员在旅途中提供食宿补给的场所。它提高了国家行政效率,便利了人员及物资流动,促进了人类历史上早期交通网络的诞生与发展。苏美尔人的驿站系统发端于早王朝时期,并在乌尔第三王朝进一步得到完善。其内部详尽而明确的分工方式,以及完善的运营流程,均为后来闻名于世的亚述帝国与波斯帝国交通体系树立了典范。苏美尔人的驿站只服务于因公出行人员,具有明显的官办性质,对巩固政权起到了重要作用,其自身的演变也反映了整个王朝的兴衰。 The road station was a site established by the Sumerians to provide food,lodging,and supplies for officials during their journey.It enhanced the effectiveness of the state administration,facilitated the movement of people and goods,and contributed to the birth and development of early transport networks in history.The Sumerian road station was born in the Early Dynastic Period and further developed in the Ur III Dynasty.The division of labor and perfect operation process set a good example for the later developed transportation systems.The Sumerian road station,which only served official travelers,played a significant role in the consolidation of the state power and reflected the rise and fall of the dynasty.
作者 李智 Li Zhi
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期93-103,155,共12页 World History
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  • 1希罗多德著、王以铸译:《历史》,V.52-一V.53.
  • 2Simo Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon H, Part I: Letters from Assyria and the West, Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 1987, p. xxiv note 7.
  • 3Simo Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon H, Part I: Letters from Assyria and the West, pp. xiii--xiv.
  • 4L.D. Levine,"K.4675 + -- The Zamua hinerary" ,State Archives of Assyria Bulletin, Vol. III, No. 2 (199), p.90.
  • 5Karheiz Kessler, "'Royal Roads' and other Questions of the Neo - Assyrian Communication System", in S. Parpola and R. M. Whiting, eds. , Assyria 1995 : Pro- ceedings of the 10'h Anniversary Symposium of the Neo -As- syrian Text Corpus Project, Helsinki, September 7--11, 1995, Helsinki: The Neo- Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 1997, pp. 129--136;pp. 130--133.
  • 6A. Leo Oppenheim et al. , eds. , The Assyrian Dictionary of the Ori- ental Institute of the University of Chicago, Vol. H, Chicago and Gltickstadt: The Oriental Institute and J. J. Augustin Verlagsbuchhandung, 1956, pp. 231--232.
  • 7A. Leo Oppenheim et al. , eds. , The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the Univer- sity of Chicago, Vol. H, pp. 106--113.
  • 8A. Leo Oppenheim et al. , eds. , The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Vol. G, Chicago and Gltiekstadt : The Oriental Institute and J.J. Augustin Verlagsbuchhand- ung, 1956, pp. 90---93.
  • 9A. Leo Oppenheim et al. , eds. , The Assyrian Dic- tionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Vol. H, p. 108.
  • 10W. M. Calder, "The Royal Road in Herodotus", The Classical Review, Vol. 39, No. 1/2 (1925), pp. 7--11.











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