In the 1970 s,due to the fears that the United States would withdraw its security commitments in the near future,the Park Chung Hee administration of South Korea secretly launched a missile development programme.The U.S.supplied most of the knowledge,technology and talent capital required by the Park Chung Hee administration for initiating that programme.From the view of the U.S.government,this programme would destabilise Northeast Asia.Therefore,the basic policy of the U.S was to aim at containing the missile development of South Korea.On the one hand,the U.S.continued to promote the missile technology cooperation with South Korea.On the other hand,it prevented the Park Chung Hee administration from developing missiles independently.However,both the Ford and Carter administrations failed to prevent South Korea from developing its indigenous missile programme because of the rise of South Korea’s national strength,the global proliferation of missile technology,the American considerations of commercial interests and obvious dissensions among the U.S.officials.In the end,South Korea successfully tested K-1 missile in September 1978.Under such circumstances,the Carter administration decided to restrict the South Korean missiles to a180-kilometer range with a 300-kilogram payload through bilateral cooperation and multilateral restraint.Moreover,partially due to the South Korean missile development,the Reagan administration established the Missile Technology Control Regime in 1987.
World History