

A Study on the Image of Li Shunchen in Korean Literati’s Poems during the Early Modernization Period
摘要 开埠期是韩国近代化过程中最重要的时期,它不仅见证了延续数百年的儒家社会秩序的崩溃,也见证了李氏王朝的灭亡。当时那些毕生致力于儒学研究的学者们不得不在帝国主义列强以强凌弱、强制韩国开港通商的恐吓与压榨中生活,面对如潮水般涌入的外来文化,他们仍旧呕心沥血,试图将儒家礼法保存下来。文人们用笔墨鞭挞所处社会的现实,同时抒发个人内心的情感。当时出现了很多吟诵海洋名将李舜臣在壬辰倭乱中拯救国家的诗词,文人们在诗词中想象着李舜臣抵御外敌入侵的画面。尽管这种想象并不能起到改变现实的作用,但它缓解了面对悲苦岁月而愤慨不已的文人们心中的郁结,也起到了鼓舞民族精神的作用。开埠期文人的诗词普遍抒发出期待李舜臣再现的情感,从而表达出在列强压迫中解放韩民族的意愿。 This paper studies howthe image of Li Shunchen was formed in the Korean Literati’s poems during the early modernization period,which is the most important time in the process of the modernization of Korea. At that time,the order of the Confucian society that had continued for centuries on the Korean Peninsula started to fall apart. Eventually,the Lee Dynasty collapsed. At that time,literati who had studied Confucianism all their lives had no choice but to live under the external pressures that used force to demand trade. Scholars strived to preserve the etiquette of 500-year Confucianism from foreign cultures. However,the Lee Dynasty was incapable of getting rid of the disadvantage and even failed to give a proper response. W riters started writing to deplore reality as well as express anger.At this very moment,the kept thinking of Li Shunchen,a great navy commander,who managed to save the country during Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592,was the most suitable hero to cope with difficulties at the early modernization period.He was mentioned in poems as the hero blocking foreign forces coming through the sea. Though such imagination of Li Shunchen did not offer direct help to overcome crisis,yet it made Korean scholars temporarily forger about the resentful reality,and thus it played a role in arousing national spirit. In the poems,writers express their emotions frankly. Even if they talk about the same man,expressions could vary from person to person. However,since Li Shunchen was willing to save the nation under the pressure of foreign powers during the early modernization period,some common affections for the hero could be found.
作者 裴钟硕 Pei Zhongshuo
出处 《韩国研究论丛》 2019年第2期157-168,共12页 Chinese Journal of Korean Studies
基金 复旦大学亚洲研究中心2019年度科研项目资助.
关键词 开埠期 李舜臣 英雄 儒教 民族 Early Modernization Period Li Shunchen Hero Confucianism Ethnic
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