

Development and Research Review of the Single Window for the International Trade and its Policies and Legal System
摘要 "单一窗口"是国际贸易治理方式的重大变革。真正意义的国家单一窗口建设始于世纪之交,国外研究也同期开始。在英文研究文献领域,2010年前,以相关国际组织发布的实务类和工具类国际文件为主;2010年后,研究集中于单一窗口的最新功能与技术发展,包括国际化发展战略,云单一窗口等问题。在中文研究文献领域,2013年是我国相关研究的一条分界线。这是由于2013年年底我国提出了全面建设国际贸易单一窗口的政策,"单一窗口"主题始成热点。2013年前,我国以国际规则翻译介绍和中国电子口岸概况介绍的文献为主;2013年后,我国对国际规范的翻译文献更为全面,并开始对我国单一窗口建设提出具体建议,研究方法与视角也日趋丰富。由于单一窗口主题的特殊性决定了研究平台与公开文献数量的有限性。当前英文文献具有一定的理论性与应用性,但对我国的借鉴意义不足。一些中文文献则在一定程度上存在缺乏理论深度和实践可操作性的问题。而且中国单一窗口法律环境或法律制度建设方面的文献处于空白状态,中国单一窗口国际化方面的文献也极少。为了更好地服务于"贸易强国"和"依法治国"方略的落实,并推动实现与"一带一路"沿线国家单一窗口的互联互通,今后有必要在以单一窗口建设实质性提升我国的营商环境,明确界定单一窗口治理要素的法律地位与法律关系,对具体法律问题创新性提出解决方案和行动指南,以及寻找单一窗口法治化的中国方案等方面展开深入研究。 The Single Window(SW) is a significant reform in the governance of the international trade.The development of the national single window starts from the beginning of the 21 st century and triggers the academic research at the same period.Before 2010,the English academic efforts had concentrated on the practical study and the international instruments.After 2010,the achievements have focused on the new functions and technological development including the issues of the international development strategy and cloud SW,etc.The year of2013 is a landmark of the academic literature in Chinese since China put forward the policy of developing of the SW for international trade at the end of 2013,which has made it a hot topic.Before 2013,the domestic research mainly was the translation of relevant international rules and the general introduction of China’s E-port.After 2013,the domestic research has gradually become more comprehensive,the suggestions more detailed,the methods and perspectives more diversified.Due to the particularity of the SW,there is limited availability of the research platforms and literature.Although it can provide valuable theoretical and practical reference,the English academic literature in the SW is lack of relevance to China.Unfortunately,some domestic study is lack of theoretical depth and practical operability.Moreover,there is no research related to the legal environment or legal system of the China’s SW,and there is little research in the internationalization of China’s SW.In order to put in place the policy of "developing China by trade" and "promoting rule of law",and to improve the connectivity of the SWs of the countries along "The Belt and Road",it is necessary that the domestic research in the future should focus on the following respects:improvement of the business environment with the development of the SW,clarification the legal status and relationship of the governance elements of the SW,innovative solutions to and guidelines for specific legal issues of the SW,and search for the construction blueprint of the SW under the rule with Chinese characteristics.
作者 朱秋沅 Thu Qiuyuan
出处 《海关法评论》 2020年第1期413-431,共19页 Review of Customs Law
基金 2017年国家口岸管理办公室专项课题“单一窗口法律环境课题报告”的阶段性成果
关键词 单一窗口 法律制度 国际化 研究综述 Single Window legal system internationalization research review
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