

On Establishing a Contact and Coordination Mechanism Between the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission and the CPC Political and Legal Affairs Commission in Dealing with Judicial Corruption Cases
摘要 反腐败事关党的民心向背和长期执政地位,是新时代党领导下的重要政治任务。然而,反腐败自身工具价值和独立价值并存,打击控制与修复保障机能同在的客观属性决定其在向特定领域投放治理力量时,应充分考虑治理对象的特殊性与治理方式的针对性,以确保清除腐败的同时,避免对公权力的正常运行造成冲击。司法作为维护社会公平正义的最后防线,应对司法腐败的质效更是会对反腐败的整体效能产生重大影响。但当前针对反腐败权力的制约机制不足,对司法工作人员的履职保障相对乏力,故针对司法工作人员涉嫌职务犯罪案件,除已有的纪委监委案件审理部门与检察机关的提前介入机制外,可以尝试由对政法工作负有管理、指导、协调、监督职责的党委政法委与纪委监委(以下简称“两委”)在适当节点就案件管辖、立案审查调查、追责方式、案件信息披露等重大问题,以联席会议及其他方式开展制度化的联系协调。以确保清除司法腐败的同时,保障司法工作人员积极履职的信心和担当,促进反腐败效能与司法效能的共同提升。 Combating corruption is closely related to the public's support and the CPC's longterm ruling status,and is an important political task under the Party's leadership in the new era.However,the intrinsic tool value and independent value of combating corruption coexist,and the objective attributes of striking control and repairing guarantee functions are present,which determine that when deploying governance forces to specific areas,consideration should be given to the special nature of the governance object to achieve the unification of eliminating corruption and maintaining the normal operation of public power.The judiciary,as the last line of defense for upholding social justice,will have a significant impact on the overall effectiveness of combating corruption.However,the current relative lack of constraints on anti-corruption power itself and the relative inadequacy of job and duty guarantees for judicial staff require that,in the case of judicial staff suspected of committing crimes,in addition to the existing early intervention mechanism between the case review departments of the CPC discipline inspection and supervision commissions and the procuratorate,efforts should be made to establish a systematic linkage and coordination mechanism between the Political and Legal Affairs Committee(hereinafter referred to as the“Committee”)and the CPC discipline inspection and supervision commission(hereinafter referred to as the“Commission”)at appropriate nodes on issues such as case jurisdiction,investigation and review of cases,methods of holding accountable,and disclosure of case information.To ensure that while eliminating judicial corruption,judicial staff are guaranteed the job security and confidence to actively perform their duties,and promote the joint improvement of anti-corruption efficiency and judicial efficiency.
作者 洪浩 李一帆 HONG Hao;LI Yi-fan(School of Law,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《河北法学》 北大核心 2024年第8期58-77,共20页 Hebei Law Science
基金 国家社科基金后期资助重点项目“检察制度发展研究”(19FFXA001) 2023年湖北省社科基金重点项目暨“法治湖北”专项课题“湖北省政法工作现代化的实现路径研究”(2023ZF001) 新疆政法学院委托项目“涉疆反恐维稳工作法制化常态化研究”(202310051) 2023年度湖北省人民检察院检察理论与应用研究课题“检察现代化研究”(HJ2023A01)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 审查调查 权力制约 联系协调 履职担当 investigation power constraints contact and coordination perform duties
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