
刑法中国家工作人员认定的“三步骤”及其展开 被引量:1

“Three Steps” to Identify State Functionaries in Criminal Law and Their Specific Implementation
摘要 "三步骤"认定国家工作人员,第一步看职责,即是否从事公务,在国有单位从事公务的人员属于国家工作人员;第二步看委派主体是否具有委派资格,在非国有单位中从事公务的人员,只有受到具有委派资格的委派主体的委派才以国家工作人员论;第三步看有无法律的明确规定,对于既不在国有单位从事公务也并非受委派从事公务,而是临时性或者在特定条件下行使国家管理职能,从事了具有公务性质活动的人员,能否将其在从事公务期间视为国家工作人员,则需要看现行法律有无明确规定。国有单位从事公务的劳务派遣人员应认定为国家工作人员。受委派至不含国有资产的公司、企业从事经营管理工作的人员,不属于从事公务,不以国家工作人员论。国家出资企业分支机构的党委、党政联席会具有委派资格,但国家出资企业的"总经理办公会""行长办公会"等不具有委派资格。非国有公司人员从事其所在公司承接国有单位动拆迁等具有一定公务性质的活动,因其受所在公司安排从事相关工作,既未受国有单位委派至非国有单位从事公务,也未受聘于国有单位从事公务,不以国家工作人员论。 We can identify state functionaries by"three steps".The first step depends on whether the duties are to perform official duties,and those who perform official duties in state-owned units are state functionaries.The second step is to see whether the appointing subject has the qualification to appoint.The personnel engaged in public affairs in a non-state entity shall only be appointed by the appointing subject who has the qualification to appoint.The third step is to see whether there is a clear provision in the law that persons engaged in activities of a public nature who are not engaged in official duties in state-owned units or who are not assigned to such duties,but are exercising functions of state administration on a temporary basis or under specified conditions.Whether they can be regarded as state agents in the course of their official duties depends on the existence of clear provisions in the existing legislation.The labordispatching personnel engaged in official duties in state-owned units shall be recognized as state functionaries.Personnel assigned to companies and enterprises that do not include state-owned assets to engage in business management work shall not be engaged in official duties and shall not be regarded as state functionaries.Party committees and joint party committees of branches of state-funded enterprises have accreditation qualifications,but the"general manager’s office"and"president’s office"of state-funded enterprises do not have accreditation qualifications.Personnel of a non-state-owned company engage in activities of a certain official nature,such as the relocation and demolition of a state-owned unit,because they are arranged by their company to engage in related work and have not been appointed by a state-owned unit to engage in official duties in a non-state company.Nor have they been employed in public service in State-owned units and therefore do not belong to state functionaries.
作者 罗开卷 Luo Kaijuan
出处 《刑法论丛》 2020年第3期77-104,共28页 Criminal Law Review
关键词 国家工作人员 三步骤 从事公务 受委派 其他依照法律规定从事公务的人员 非国家工作人员 State functionaries Three steps Performance of official duties Accredited Other persons performing public functions in accordance with the law Non-state functrionaries
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