

Localization of Intermediate Sanctions
摘要 中间制裁是指针对违反服刑义务的管制、缓刑、假释、暂予监外执行人员适用的强度轻于收监执行的惩戒措施。细化中间制裁层次看似细节研究,凭此规导服刑人行为却可以有效压缩监禁刑的时长和范围。鉴于目前仅将拘留并处罚款作为中间制裁措施不能因应扩大假释的需求,在社区矫正立法进入关键阶段,借助既有刑事法规范、矫正经验和定位技术,细化中间制裁方式压缩收监率,印证了细节决定成败的道理,且是在用本土方式解决现实问题。中间制裁可分五层:借势两个刑法修正案中的刑事禁止令,针对服刑人违法性质与程度压缩其活动范围,是常规方法;定位手机将严重违反义务的服刑人限制在相对更加狭小的生活工作场域,是升级形式;加带电子腕带施予家庭监禁,是提升制裁强度的新落点;在归并矫正权基础上果断且反复动用短期监禁,是最高等级的中间制裁方式;为弥补管制刑种结构缺陷,停止计算被管制人恶意脱管期间的刑期加上短期监禁,或可减缓"有管无制"状况。 Intermediate sanctions refer to the punishment measures for violation of the obligation of serving a sentence,such as control,probation,parole and temporary execution outside prison.Detention and fine are currently the sole intermediate imprisonment measures in China’s mainland community corrections.This reluctant dragging mechanism obviously can not fit the basic needs of expanding parole and implementing community correction.At present,the process of drafting and argumentation of community correction legislation has been accelerated.It is urgent to control the process by means of existing norms,experience and technology and by means of detailed intermediate sanctions.There are four levels of the intermediate sanction system in the sense that it should be.It is a conventional method in the intermediate sanction system to take advantage of the enforcement of prohibition orders and to reduce the scope of activities of prisoners in view of the nature and degree of illegality,using location-based mobile technology to restrict illegal prisoners to a narrow and necessary life circle is an upgrade form of the sanctions system,and the use of electronic wristband to impose family imprisonment is a new landing point to upgrade the intensity of sanctions,decisive and repeated use of short-term imprisonment on the basis of the right of merger and correction is an effective choice to reduce the execution rate of imprisonment,in order to remedy the legislative deficiency,it is advisable to stop calculating the term of imprisonment of the controlled person during the period of malicious detention.Intermediate sanction system can be used or applied independently.The original intention of refining the sanction level is not to increase the penalty,but to effectively control the application of imprisonment.
作者 王利荣 欧阳文星 Wang Lirong;Ouyang Wenxing
机构地区 西南政法大学
出处 《刑法论丛》 2020年第1期547-575,共29页 Criminal Law Review
关键词 社区矫正 限缩自由 定位手机 加带腕带 短期监禁 Limit Freedom Mobile Location Wristband Short Term Imprisonment Stop Calculating Sentence
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