
我国人民代表大会制度之起源新证 被引量:1

The Origin of the System of People’s Congresses in China
摘要 我国人民代表大会的起源,以前皆从苏维埃代表大会开始。后经查证省港罢工工人代表大会系"最高议事机关",制定了大量的法规条令,此乃我国人民代表大会制度的最早实践。近年来从1925年《工人之路》意外发现"广东人民代表大会之筹备会议"及《广东人民代表大会之组织规程》。再查《广州民国日报》得知该筹委会开过24次会议,确定了开会日期及地址。后因广东全省尚未统一而展期。这是我国"人民代表大会"这一政治概念的肇始,并为大会筹备工作积累了有益经验。这些历史事实证明,人民代表大会制度,是中国人民在党的领导下,在反帝反封建革命运动的高潮中应运而生,是马克思主义与中国革命实践相结合的伟大创造。 The origin of the National People’s Congress had been attributed to the Congress of Soviets.Later,it was verified that the Congress of Canton-Hong Kong Striking Workers was the"Supreme Council",which formulated a large number of laws and regulations.This can be recognized as the earliest practice of People’s Congress System in China.In recent years,the preparatory meeting of the Guangdong People’s Congress and"Regulations on the organization of the Guangdong People’s Congress"were accidentally discovered from the"Workers’Road"in 1925.After rechecking"Guangzhou Republic Daily",it was found that the preparatory meeting of committee were held 24 times,which decided the date and the address of Guangdong People’s Congress.However,the Congress was postponed due to the dissension of Guangdong province.It is the beginning of the political concept of"People’s Congress"in China and has accumulated valuable experience for the preparatory work of People’s Congress.This evidence demonstrates that the system of People’s Congress emerged from the revolutionary movement of antiimperialist and anti-feudalism,under the leadership of Communist Party of China.The system is a great achievement combining the Marxism and the practice of Chinese revolution.
作者 张希坡
出处 《荆楚法学》 2021年第1期57-72,共16页 Jingchu Law Review
关键词 人民代表大会制度 起源新证 广东人民代表大会筹备委员会 广东人民代表大会组织规程 省港罢工工人代表大会组织法 最高议事机关 The System of People’s Congress New Evidence of the Origin Preparatory Committee of Guangdong People’s Congress Regulations on the Organization of the Guangdong People’s Congress Law on the Organization of The Canton-Hong Kong Striking Workers’Congress Supreme Council
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