

A Review of Hastings Kamuzu Banda’s Realistic Diplomatic Strategies
摘要 海斯廷斯·卡穆祖·班达是南部非洲内陆国家马拉维的国父、首位总统。冷战时期,班达总统采取"搭便车""均势""接触与对话"的"现实主义"外交战略,推行亲近西方资本主义国家和白人种族主义政权的"现实主义"外交政策,为国家的安全和发展争取到了诸多利益。这和非洲统一组织倡导的"泛非主义"外交战略背道而驰,是非洲国家之中是较为独特的外交个案,值得进行研究。本文从三个视角对班达"现实主义"外交战略进行了深入探讨。 Hastings Kamuzu Banda is the founding father and first President of Malawi,a landlocked country in southern Africa.During the cold war,President Banda adopted such realistic diplomatic strategies as bandwagon,balance of power and contact and dialogue,pursued such realistic diplomatic policies as being close to western capitalist countries and white racist regimes,and gained many interests for the national security and development.This was contrary to the Diplomatic Strategies of Pan-Africanism advocated by the OAU,and was a relatively unique diplomatic case among African countries.Therefore,these realistic diplomatic strategies are worth studying.This paper makes an in-depth discussion of President Banda’s realistic diplomatic strategies from three perspectives.
作者 武涛 Wu Tao
出处 《非洲研究》 2020年第1期-,共20页 African Studies
基金 2016年教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“南部非洲内陆国家的出海口问题研究”(16YJCGJW005)的阶段性成果
关键词 海斯廷斯·卡姆祖·班达 马拉维 现实主义 外交战略 Hastings Kamuzu Banda Malawi Realism Diplomatic Strategies
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