

Study on the Effects of Colonization on the Development of Vocational Education in Africa
摘要 早期传教士在非洲大陆开展的职业教育活动,无疑对推动非洲本土的技术发展和生产方式变化产生过一定的积极影响。殖民时期,相比其他类型教育,职业教育得到了初步发展,但其殖民化特征比较明显:在发展战略上,殖民政府坚持教育"同化"原则;在办学目标上,坚持功利导向;缺少教育发展规划,学校发展呈现"不可持续性";殖民政府多会把教育权赋予基督教会。独立以来非洲职业教育发展的基本态势:一是初步建立起国家职业教育体系;二是职业教育发展定位受外部影响大;三是21世纪非洲职业教育发展趋势向好;四是国际社会对非职业教育援助的力度在加大;五是非洲国家探寻符合本国本地区教育发展的意愿更加强烈。 Some of the vocational activities carried out by European missionaries in Africa have undoubtedly promoted the development of production technology and the changes of production methods in many places of Africa.In the colonial period,vocational education has got a better development comparing to other types of education,but the colonization features are obvious:the colonial government adhered to the education"assimilation"principle in development strategy and highlighted"utilitarian"in educational goals;the development of the schools were"unsustainability"as short of education development planning;the colonial government often gave the right of education to the church.Since independence the basic development trend of vocational education in Africa is as follows:firstly,the national vocational education system was initially established;secondly,the development of vocational education is increasingly influenced by external factors;thirdly,the development of vocational education tends to be better in more African Countries;fourthly,international assistance to African vocational education is increasing;fifthly,the willingness in seeking development ways which of in line with their own countries is becoming stronger.
作者 陈明昆 党玲玲 Chen Mingkun;Dang Lingling
出处 《非洲研究》 2019年第1期-,共14页 African Studies
基金 浙江师范大学非洲研究与中非合作协同创新中心专项课题“中国职业教育‘走进非洲’战略及实践研究”(项目编号:16FZZX10YB)的成果之一
关键词 学徒制 职业教育 传教士 殖民统治 Apprenticeship System Vocational Education Missionaries Colonial Governance
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