
从声光炎炎到前途失路:后科举时代知识人的生成和困蹇 被引量:1

From Glory to Desolation: The Generation and Predicament of the Intellectuals in the Post-Imperial Examination Era
摘要 1905年朝廷停科举,之后利禄之途归于学堂和游学。因此,与无所依傍的科举士人相比,后科举时代的知识人初生之日曾以其仕路畅达而独步一时。但时至民国,后起的国家权力取代了之前的国家权力,利禄之途遂随之而断。而后,是李大钊所说的社会造就了知识人,社会又与之互相"枘凿",而不能"消纳之,应用之"。因此,同为斯文一脉,与久被置于四民之首的士相比,后科举时代的知识人其实已找不到自己的位置了。作为一个过程,学堂产出知识人由"乡邑子弟,负笈城市"开始,所以知识人的形成与知识人的城市化实现于同一个过程之中。由此形成的知识人集聚于城市为二千年来所未有,而城市的不能消纳,又决定了集聚于城市空间中的知识人实际上大半进入不了城市社会之中。之后是外在的困厄与内在的忿怒交集,已经城市化了的知识人对于城市的对立和抵斥便成为20世纪中国引人注目的历史现象。 In 1905,the imperial court suspended the imperial examination.After that,people gained fame and fortune in schools and on study tours.Therefore,compared with the intellectuals in the imperial examination era who had no one to turn to,the intellectuals in the post-imperial examination era once stood out for a long time because of their smoother official careers.But when it came to the Republic,the rising state power overthrew the previous state power,and the road to prosperity was thus cut off.Then,just as Li Dazhao put it:society had made intellectuals,but could not"accept them or adapt them."Therefore,compared with the scholars who had been placed at the head of the four occupations for a long time,the post-imperial examination intellectuals actually could not find their own position.In the process,the school producing intellectuals starts with rural young men migrating to cities,so the formation of intellectual and the urbanization of intellectual actually overlapped each other.It resulted in the unprecedented concentration of intellectuals in cities,and the fact that cities were not able to totally absorb them left a part of them out of urban society.Since then,the opposition and resistance of urbanized intellectuals to cities had become a remarkable historical phenomenon in the 20 th century China.
作者 杨国强 Yang Guoqiang(Si-Mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期66-85,共20页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 知识人 社会地位 城市化 生计 intellectuals social status urbanization livelihood
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