
“貌合神离”:马克思与赫斯早期思想关系再考察——基于《1844年经济学哲学手稿》与赫斯相关文本的思想比较 被引量:3

A Reexamination of the Early Ideological Relationship Between Marx and Hess——A Comparison Between Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 and Hess’ Relevant Texts
摘要 马克思与赫斯早期思想关系是青年马克思思想研究中绕不过去的理论话题,须突破话语的形式比较,深入到文本背后的思想比较来进行。应当结合马克思的成长过程来理解其对赫斯资源的处理。两人在为社会主义奠定哲学基础、批判资本主义社会和展望共产主义社会方面有同质性,但也有明显不同。马克思不存在"哲学共产主义"阶段,《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的共产主义思想已具有科学社会主义性质,不宜过高估计赫斯对马克思的影响。马克思与赫斯的区分是科学社会主义同诸种反动的、空想的共产主义资源的区分,是新唯物主义同旧哲学、唯物史观同唯心史观的区分,任何试图重新把马克思拉回赫斯的努力,都是不合理和应当避免的。 The early thought relationship between Marx and Hess is a theoretical topic that cannot be avoided in the study of young Marx’s thoughts.It must break through the comparison of the forms of discourse and go deep into the comparison of thoughts behind the text.It should be combined with Marx’s growth process to understand his treatment of Hess resources.The two thinkers have similarities in laying a philosophical foundation for socialism,criticizing capitalist society,and looking forward to communist society,but there are also obvious differences.There is no"philosophical communism"stage in Marx.The communist ideas in the"Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844"already have the nature of scientific socialism.It is not appropriate to overestimate the influence of Hess on Marx.The distinction between Marx and Hess is the distinction between scientific socialism and all kinds of reactionary and utopian communist resources,and the distinction between new materialism and old philosophy,historical materialism and idealistic historical views.Any attempt to bring Marx back to Hess are unreasonable and should be avoided.
作者 黄学胜 Huang Xuesheng(Marxist School,Sun Yat-sen Univesity,Guangzhou 510275,China)
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期11-19,共9页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“马克思对现代性道德的批判及其意义研究”(项目批准号:19BZX008)的阶段性成果
关键词 共产主义 赫斯 马克思 科学社会主义 communism Hess Marx scientific socialism
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