
现代俄罗斯文明起源的法兰西因素:18世纪俄译法国流行文本考 被引量:2

The French Elements in the Origin of Modern Russian Civilization: A Study on Russian Translated French Popular Texts in the 18th Century
摘要 俄国自视为欧洲国家,远不只是有部分国土位于乌拉尔山脉以西、很早就接受了基督教,而是从彼得一世改革不久便加大引进现代欧洲文明,尤其是现代法兰西文明,试图以此改造传统的斯拉夫文明结构、推动世俗化进程。对法国文明的引入是从翻译开始的,体制内外的各种海归或懂外语者皆热心于译介欧洲尤其是法国流行的现代文本,使伏尔泰和卢梭等启蒙主义作品与其他畅销书一道,源源不断进入俄国,甚至通过法文去筛选和引进英国或德国等国的流行之作,由此形成崇法风尚。就这样,俄国实现了从教会主导的国家向世俗化国家的迅速转换,进入了近代文明阶段。但是因书刊审查制度筛检,翻译并未使俄国真正融入欧洲,而欧洲面对的俄国仍是不能共享现代文明的他者。 Russia regards itself as a European country,although only part of its territory lies to the west of the Urals.Russia accepted Christianity very early.Soon after Peter I Reform,modern European civilization,especially modern French civilization,was introduced in an attempt to transform the traditional Slavic civilization structure and promote the secularization process.The introduction of French civilization began with translation.All kinds of returnees and those who know foreign languages inside and outside government are keen to translate and introduce the popular modern texts in Europe,especially French texts,which makes Voltaire and Rousseau and other enlightening works enter Russia continuously together with other bestsellers.They even used French to select and introduce popular works from Britain or Germany,thus forming a fashion of worshiping France.Russia has achieved a rapid transformation from a church-led country to a secular country,and entered the stage of modern civilization.However,because of the publication censorship in Russia,translation has not really integrated Russia into Europe,and Russia is still regarded by Europe as the other one who cannot share modern civilization.
作者 林精华 Lin Jinghua
出处 《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》 CSSCI 2021年第1期125-151,158,共28页 Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“剑桥俄罗斯文学(九卷本)翻译与研究”(项目编号:14ZDB089)阶段性成果 牛津大学欧洲研究中心和斯坦福大学斯拉夫语言系访学项目支持
关键词 18世纪 俄罗斯帝国 翻译 欧洲流行文学 法语文本 Eighteenth Century Russian Empire Translation European Popular Literature French Text
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