

Development and practical of nuclear risk management system
摘要 为建立统一的核电厂核风险管理与设备可靠性软件系统,本研究梳理了设备可靠性数据采集与分析、配置风险管理、缓解系统性能指标、维修规则性能监督等不同工作流程之间的数据流关系,建立一整套工作方案。新研发系统可靠性模块,基于设备可靠性计算出系统或系统功能的可靠性,补齐当前设备可靠性与机组风险管理之间的空缺。应用实践表明,核风险管理平台可以提高工作效率,同时提升正确率。 In order to establish a unified software system for the use of nuclear risk management and equipment reliability in nuclear power plants,this study sorted out the data relationships between different workflows such as equipment reliability data collection and analysis,configuration risk management,mitigation system performance indicators,and maintenance rule performance supervision,and established a complete set of work program.The newly developed system reliability module calculates the reliability of the system or system functions based on equipment reliability,filling the gap between equipment reliability and unit risk management.The application practice has shown that the nuclear risk management platform can improve work efficiency and accuracy.
作者 顾晓慧 郎锡野 李友谊 赵芃菲 于文革 孙扬 Gu Xiaohui;Lang Xiye;Li Youyi;Zhao Pengfei;Yu Wenge;Sun Yang(Jiangsu Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd.,Lianyungang 222042,China)
出处 《电子技术应用》 2024年第S01期149-154,共6页 Application of Electronic Technique
关键词 核风险 设备可靠性 风险管理 概率安全评价 nuclear risk equipment reliability risk management probabilistic safety assessment(PSA)
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