

Design and Implementation of a Provincial Land Survey Database Management System and Shared Application Platform
摘要 历经“二调”“三调”以及历年的国土变更调查,形成了丰富详实的国土调查成果,做好数据的共享应用服务,提高数据资源利用率,充分发挥数据价值是当前迫切需要解决的问题。本文基于地理信息系统(GIS)、大数据和云计算等技术,结合国土调查数据成果特点、管理应用与共享要求,设计了平台的总体框架和主要功能,阐述了关键技术及实现,为国土调查数据库管理和共享服务提供了思路,有助于提升自然资源管理水平,为科学决策提供信息化支撑。 After going through the“two surveys”,“three surveys”,and years of land change surveys,rich and detailed land survey results have been formed.Therefore,it is urgent to do a good job in data sharing and application services,improve data resource utilization,and fully leverage data value.This article is based on technologies such as GIS,big data,and cloud computing,combined with the characteristics of land survey data results,management applications,and sharing requirements.It designs the overall framework and main functions of the platform,elaborates on key technologies and implementations,provides ideas for land survey database management and sharing services,helps to improve the level of natural resource management,and provides information support for scientific decision-making.
作者 苏巧灵 周卫娟 刘宁宁 Su Qiaoling;Zhou Weijuan;Liu Ningning(Jiangsu Provincial Land and Resources Dynamic Monitoring Center,Nanjing 210017,China)
出处 《信息化研究》 2023年第4期66-72,共7页 INFORMATIZATION RESEARCH
关键词 国土调查 数据库管理 共享应用 land survey database management shared applications
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