

DSP-Based Wind Blade Structure Impact Monitoring System
摘要 本文面向风力发电等在役结构的冲击损伤定位与监测问题,针对冲击信号的快速记录与定位,设计了以数字信号处理(DSP)为控制核心的冲击信号采集与定位系统。该集成化系统利用数字信号处理器件内部模块资源,设计包括信号采集模块、通讯模块和控制模块,实现冲击信号的采集、数据处理与冲击定位。通过对测试板的多次碰撞打击实验,验证了该系统的可行性和各项功能,实验结果表明该系统可应用于多种瞬态信号采集处理的场合。 Aiming at the problem of monitoring and localization for impact damage of wind blade and other structures in use, and in allusion to the technology of rapid recording and localization for impact signals, the impact signal acquisition and localization system equipped with DSP as the cybernetics core is designed. Based on device resources inside DSP, this highly integrated system is composed of signal acquisition module, wireless communication module and the corresponding controlling module, which can achieve the collection of impact signals, data processing and localization of impact signals. The system’s feasibility and functions are verified by means of multiple impact experiments on the test board. The experimental data show that the system can be applied to various occasions of transient signal acquisition and data processing.
作者 熊羿 安宁 储梓乔 王强 Xiong Yi;An Ning;Chu Ziqiao;Wang Qiang(College of Automation & College of Artificial Intelligence,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《信息化研究》 2020年第3期40-45,共6页 INFORMATIZATION RESEARCH
基金 江苏省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划基金资助项目(No.SYB2018006)
关键词 数字信号处理 冲击监测 集成化 无线通信 信号定位 DSP impact monitoring integration wireless communication signal localization
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