
数智文明时代需要什么样的文科教育 被引量:1

Liberal Arts Education in the Age of Digital Intelligence Civilization
摘要 随着数智文明时代展现日益清晰的图景,文科教育“软件”建设迫切需要推动人才培养理念、科学思维范式、知识形态与理论话语的创新变革:克服文理科专业人才培养各自为政的弊端,推动通用水平迭代的文理融合,培养具备数字、科技、人文等综合素养的创新型人才;适应并反映数智世界特征,推动从线性、因果性、人类中心的主体性传统思维范式向复杂性、相关性、命运共同体的思维范式跨越;应对数智技术对象化与非对象化发展,回应文科自身危机与人类社会发展危机,构建体现数智文明合法性新秩序的新知识、新话语,彰显中国智慧、中国方案、中国力量,是数智文明时代创新型人才培养的应有之义。 With clearer landscapes arising in the age of digital intelligence civilization,“software”construction of liberal arts education urgently needs to push forward innovation and transformation of talent training in its philosophies,thinking paradigms,knowledge morphologies and theoretical discourses.Cultivation of innovative talent in the age of digital intelligence civilization should:overcome the defects of training talent based on the dichotomy between arts and sciences,promote integration of arts and sciences with upgrading general competencies,and foster comprehensive capabilities in digital technology,science,humanities,etc.;adapt to and reflect the features of the world in the age of digital intelligence civilization,and facilitate the transition of thinking paradigms from linearity,causality and anthropocentricity to complexity,relevance and community with a shared future;deal with the objectification and the non-objectification of the digital intelligence,face up to the duel crises of liberal arts in itself and the human society development,and develop new morphologies of knowledge and discourses of liberal arts that construct a new order of legitimacy for the digital intelligence civilization with more Chinese insight,better Chinese input and greater Chinese strength.
作者 张伟 ZHANG Wei(School of Education,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872)
出处 《大学与学科》 2022年第4期51-65,共15页 Universities and disciplines
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)2020年度面上项目:中国大学模式的兴起:“全球化-治理”耦合叙事、制度势能与瓶颈突破(20XNA009)
关键词 数智文明 文科教育 创新型人才 思维范式转型 知识话语建构 digital intelligence civilization liberal arts education innovative talent transition of thinking paradigm construction of knowledge and discourses
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