

Urban Underclass:A Study of the Thoughts and Emotions of Goliards in the Middle Ages
摘要 行吟学子来自中世纪盛期拉丁西方城市中兴起的大学。作为学生群体的一部分,行吟学子以诗歌创作、饮酒、纵情声色为乐,本文以其所流传下来的诗歌去探究他们的行为、思想与情感世界。在城市和大学生活中,行吟学子被等同于离经叛道者和好吃懒做的流浪者。这一学生群体留恋于城市酒馆,在酒馆中饮酒赌博,并留下了诸多齐声歌颂饮酒和赌博行为的拉丁语诗歌。其抒情诗受到地方世俗抒情诗的影响,充满了对男欢女爱的渴望和追求,表达出了激烈的喜怒哀乐等情感。这一研究以诗歌为中心,追溯其中人的行为、思想和情感,在这一情感共同体中进一步理解和分析这些言行举止和情感的内容,不仅有助于我们理解城市复兴过程中,欧洲中世纪知识分子的精神面貌和动态变化,也有助于理解文艺复兴和宗教改革中伟大创举之滥觞。 Goliards came from the universities of the I atino wester cities during High Middle Ages.As part of the students,Goliards sought happiness from drinking and composing poetry,indulging themselves in sensual pleasures.In this paper,the author tries to explore their behaviors,thoughts and their emotional worlds through their poems that were passed down.In the city and the university life,Goliards were regarded as rebels and lazy vagrants.The students lingered in taverns,drinking and gambling,when they left many Latino poems highly praising the practice of drinking and gambling.Their lyrics were affected by the secular lyrics,filled with the desire and pursuit of the passion of love between men and women.Those lyric poems express intense emotions such as the joys and sorrows.This research focuses on this kind of poetry,tracing the behaviors,thoughts and emotions of the people in those poems.Further understanding and analysis of the words and deeds and emotions in this emotional community will not only help us understand the spiritual outlook and dynanic changes of European intellectuals in the Middle Ages during the process of urban revival,but also help us understand the origin of great initiatives in the Renaissance and the Reformation.
作者 林恺
出处 《都市文化研究》 2023年第1期50-71,共22页 Urban Cultural Studies
关键词 行吟学子 布兰诗歌 中世纪大学 人文思想 情感世界 Goliard Carmina Burana the Medieval Universities Humanism Emotions
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