The phase difference Δξ between locked islands(2/1 and 3/1) has been found to influence the heat transport on the thermal quench during disruptions by numerical modeling [Hu Q et al 2019Nucl.Fusion 59,016005].To verify this experimentally,a set of resonant magnetic perturbation(RMP) coils is required to excite coupled magnetic islands with different Δξ.The spectrum analysis shows that the current RMP coils on J-TEXT can only produce sufficient 2/1 and 3/1RMP fields with a limited phase difference of Δξ∈[-75°,75°].In order to broaden the adjustable range of Δξ,a set of coils on the high field side(HFS) is proposed to generate 2/1 and 3/1 RMP fields with Δξ=180°.As a result,RMPs with adjustable Δξ∈[-180°,180°] and sufficient amplitudes could be achieved by applying the HFS coils and the low field side(LFS)coils.This work provides a feasible solution for flexible adjustment of the phase difference between m and m+1 RMP,which might facilitate the study of major disruptions and their control.
Zhengkang REN
Da Li
Nengchao WANG
Feiyue MAO
Ying HE
Chengshuo SHEN
Abba Alhaji BALA
Yonghua DING
the J-TEXT Team
任正康;李达;王能超;毛飞越;黄卓;周松;贾若;何莹;沈呈硕;Abba Alhaji BALA;饶波;丁永华;the J-TEXT Team(International Joint Research Laboratory of Magnetic Confinement Fusion and Plasma Physics,State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology,School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,People's Republic of China;College of Computer Science,South-Central Minzu University,Wuhan 430074,People's Republic of China;Physics Department,Federal University Dutse,Dutse 720101,Nigeria)
supported by the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Energy R & D Program of China (Nos. 2018YFE0309102 and 2019YFE03010004)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.12075096, 11905078,and 51821005)