
幼小衔接从生活准备和自主管理入手 被引量:4

The Connection of Kindergarten and Primary Schools From the Beginning of Life Preparation and Independent Management
摘要 幼儿期是生活自理能力形成的关键期。著名教育家陈鹤琴先生曾提出:"凡是儿童自己能做的,应当让他自己做。"《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》中也明确指出:要培养幼儿具有基本的生活自理能力。生活自理,也就是自我服务,自己照顾自己。它是一个人应该具备的最基本的生活技能,包括独立进餐、自己洗脸、自己穿脱衣服、穿脱鞋袜、收拾玩具、整理衣服等。生活自理能力的培养,有助于培养幼儿的责任感、自信心以及自己处理问题的能力,为小学生活奠定坚实的基础,同时,提升教师的教育水平,引领家长转变理念,利于幼儿的成长。 Early childhood is the key period for the formation of self-care ability.Mr.Chen Heqin,a famous educator,once put forward that"whatever children can do by themselves,they should be allowed to do by themselves"."Kindergarten education guidelines(for Trial Implementation)"also clearly pointed out:to cultivate children with basic self-care ability.Self-care means serving yourself and taking care of yourself.It is the most basic life skills that a person should have,including eating alone,washing their own face,putting on and removing clothes by themselves,putting on and removing shoes and socks,putting away toys,organizing clothes and so on.The cultivation of self-care ability helps to cultivate children’s sense of responsibility,self-confidence and ability to deal with problems by themselves,which lays a solid foundation for primary school life.At the same time,it improves the education level of teachers and leads parents to change their ideas,which is conducive to the growth of children.
作者 刘琳 LIU Lin(Whale Garden experimental kindergarten,Huancui District,Weihai City,Shandong Province,China)
出处 《当代家庭教育》 2021年第36期66-67,共2页
关键词 幼小衔接 儿童 自理能力 Kindergarten Children Ability to care for
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