Spinoza's important contribution to democratic theory lies not in his conception of democracy as a form of“govermment”,but in the way he addresses the question of democracy,i.e.,thinking democratic politics through the ontological term of power.This position can be summarised as the“immanence of power”,whereby the state cannot be seen as a transcendent sphere but must be constituted only by the“power of the multitude”and respond actively to their fluctuating opinions,demands and affective life.This political ontology can be best described as“radical democracy”.Tractatus theologico-politicus,Tractatus politicus,Ethics provide three moments of democracy.Democracy as the “most natural form”of the state,instead of a pure form of institution,refers to a common world inhabited and shared by political subjects,namely a form of life,with the very character of process and infinity.Therefore,Spinoza's question of democracy could possibly offer an altemative to rethinking the contemporary radical democracy debate(Mouffe,Negri,Habermas,etc.).
Contemporary Marxism Review