For Antonio Negri,Marx’s Grundrisse provides vital value for his theory and the Italian Autonomous Movement,which contains the subjective and antagonistic perspective and even the deconstruction of the dialectic.In this sense,Negri emphasizes that the Grundrisse is beyond the Capital and also the Marxist theory which holds the dialectic of totality.However,in Marx’s original theory,the revolution of the proletariat(as the subject of history)follows a dialectical path,and the relationship among subject,dialectic and history is inseparable.This article,with the perspective of the subject,dialectic and history,attempts to explore Negri’s creative development of Marx’s Grundrisse,and discusses the significance and limitations of Negris interpretation.This article considers that although Negri’s interpretation is effective,he ignores the true value of Marx’s dialectic and distorts the theoretical significance of the Capital.We still need to return to Marx’s theory for the proper understanding of the problems above.
Contemporary Marxism Review