

Constructing an Integrated Education Strategy for Nutritional Meal Theory and Design Course“Job Course Competition Certificate”Based on KSAO Model
摘要 KSAO模型强调知识K、技能S、能力A和其他特质O的综合发展,以“岗课赛证”融汇育人理念为指导,通过整合专业人才培养的目标岗位技能、课程内容、竞赛技能与职业证书,为构建一体化育人策略提供了有力支持,缓解人才供给侧与需求侧矛盾。该文结合职业教育宏观政策积极探索“岗课赛证”融合的必要性,查阅文献及结合教学实践探究食品类专业教学存在的现实困境,引入KSAO模型客观分析公共营养指导岗位的能力及素养,并对43位公共营养指导从业者开展实证研究,在文献分析和实证调查的基础上,设计了以岗定课重构教学目标、以课为本落实德技并重、以赛促学培育技能精英、课证融通推动“三教”改革、多维评价开展教学考评的“岗课赛证”融通的营养配餐理论与设计课程教学策略,实现内涵式发展,推动职业教育的改革和创新,更好地服务经济社会发展。 The KSAO model emphasizes the integrated development of knowledge K,skill S,ability A,and other traits O.The KSAO model,which is guided by the integrated education principle“post course competition and certificate”,provides strong support for building an integrated education strategy by integrating the training target on professional talents.At the same time the model can ease the contradiction between the talent supply side and talent demand side.The author actively explores the necessity of integrating“post course competition and certificate”combined with the macro policy of vocational education and explores the practical dilemma of teaching in food major by consulting literature and combining teaching practice.The author analyzes the ability and quality of public nutrition guidance posts by using KSAO model objectively.And the author conducts an empirical study on 43 public nutrition guidance practitioners and designs the teaching strategy on the basis of literature analysis and empirical investigation.The strategy is designed to reconstruct teaching objectives by setting courses based on posts,to place equal emphasis on morality and technical skills based on courses,to promote learning and cultivate skill elites through competition,and to integrate courses and certificates to promote the reform of three education.Multidimensional evaluation for teaching evaluation of the teaching strategy of theory and design of nutrition catering is integrated with the“post course competition certificate”to achieve connotative development,promote the reform and innovation of vocational education,and better serve the economical and social development.
作者 徐小娟 曹杏 谢佳琦 余姣 李丹 王晶云 XU Xiaojuan;CAO Xing;XIE Jiaqi;YU Jiao;LI Dan;WANG Jingyun(Hunan Food and Drug Vocational College,Changsha Hunan,410000,China)
出处 《创新创业理论研究与实践》 2024年第12期165-169,共5页 The Theory and Practice of Innovation and Enterpreneurship
基金 湖南省教育科学“十四五”规划2023年度课题“‘三高四新’战略下食品检验检测专业‘岗课赛证’融通路径研究”(XJK23CZY103) 湖南省职业院校教育教学改革研究项目成果“基于KSAO模型构建课程‘岗课赛证’一体化育人体系”(ZJGB2021155)
关键词 “岗课赛证” 育人策略 “三教”改革 KASO模型 课程建设 教学改革 “Post course competition and certificate” Education strategy Reform of the“three education” KASO model Curriculum construction Teaching reform
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