
新工科背景下高校创新创业教育发展模式研究 被引量:4

Research on the Development Mode of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges and Universities under the Background of New Engineering
摘要 创新创业教育对人才的培养至关重要,继传统工科之后,新工科的提出要求高校创新创业教育的发展模式与时俱进。为了推进新工科背景下高校创新创业教育的发展,提高"双创"教育质量,研究结合新工科学科交叉融合性、前瞻性和实践性的特点,借鉴国外创新创业教育的经验,对我国新工科背景下高校创新创业教育发展模式进行了讨论。 Innovation and entrepreneurship education is of great importance to the cultivation of talents.After the traditional engineering,the development mode of innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities is required to keep pace with The Times.In order to promote the innovation in colleges and universities under the new engineering background for the development of entrepreneurship education,improve the quality of double gen education,this study combined with the new engineering discipline overlapping fusion,prospective and the characteristics of practicality,innovation and draw lessons from foreign experience of entrepreneurship education of our country under the background of new engineering business entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities development model are discussed.
作者 赵文军 李泱茜 刘婷 徐戈 ZHAO Wenjun;LI Yangqian;LIU Ting;XU Ge(College of Computer and Information Engineering,Hunan University of Technology and Business,Changsha Hunan,410205,China;School of Management,Hunan University of Technology and Business,Changsha Hunan,410205,China)
出处 《创新创业理论研究与实践》 2021年第13期80-82,共3页 The Theory and Practice of Innovation and Enterpreneurship
基金 湖南商学院校级教改课题“独立学院商科应用性人才培养模式研究:以北津学院为例”(校字[2018]14号) 省级教研教改课题“新工科建设背景下高校创新创业教育模式及评价体系研究”(湘教通[2018]436号)研究成果之一
关键词 创新创业教育 新工科 发展模式 Innovation and entrepreneurship education The new engineering Development model
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