The Conference TIP@50 commemorated the 50 th meeting and the 25 th Anniversary of the OECD Working Party on Innovation and Technology Policy(TIP). It was an exceptional occasion to take stock of achievements of the TIP since its creation in 1993 and to shape ideas on the future of innovation and technology policy. The following article summarises the main takeaways from the TIP@50 meeting: a systemic approach to innovation policy-making is more important than ever;coordination within government is needed as innovation is mobilised in all policy fields;new quantitative methods offer new avenues for evidence-based policy making;knowledge transfer is important from an economic and societal perspective;getting the policy mix for knowledge transfer between industry and science remains a challenge;policy lessons show effective knowledge transfer needs to integrate several complex dimensions;innovation policies need to contribute more to inclusiveness;inclusive innovation policies allow for wider inclusion in innovation processes;and digitalisation of science and innovation requires changing innovation policies.