
14—16世纪藏传佛教“疯圣者” 现象兴起缘由探析——以“藏念嘿汝噶”桑杰坚赞为例

An Analysis of the Reasons for the Rise of the“Holy Madmen”Phenomenon in Tibetan Buddhism from the 14th to the 16th Centuries——Taking gTsang smyon Heruka as an Example
摘要 在14—16世纪的西藏,藏传佛教内部兴起了一批被称为“疯圣者”的修行者,关于这些“疯圣者”的藏文记载充满了传奇色彩,他们言行怪异、举止荒诞,有许多与世俗常规相背的事迹,人物形象迥异于通常意义上的高僧大德,但他们在宗教层面和社会层面都具有相当的影响力,为藏传佛教的发展和西藏文化的传播作出了重要贡献。这一时期的西藏社会,不同政治势力之间的纷争不断,与藏传佛教各教派的利益争夺相交织,政治和宗教被更加紧密地结合在一起,也催动了“疯圣者”的集中出现。文章聚焦于其中的代表人物“藏念嘿汝噶”桑杰坚赞,结合14—16世纪的西藏社会背景,尤其是藏传佛教噶举派和格鲁派在当时的发展情形,讨论藏传佛教中的“疯圣者”在14—16世纪集中出现的历史原因,即他们将“疯行”作为一种弘扬教法的路径选择的考量。 From the 14th to the 16th centuries,a group of practitioners known as the“holy madmen”emerged within Tibetan Buddhism.Tibetan records about these“holy madmen”are full of legends.Their words and deeds are weird and absurd,even contrary to secular conventions.The characters are very different from the ordinary eminent monks,but they have considerable influence on both the religious level and the social level,and have made great contributions to the development of Tibetan Buddhism and the spread of Tibetan culture.In Tibetan society during this period,there were constant disputes between different political forces,which were intertwined with the interests of various sects of Tibetan Buddhism.Politics and religion were more closely integrated,which also prompted the appearance of“holy madmen”.The article focuses on gTsang smyon Heruka,the representative figure,and based on the social background of Xizang from the 14th to the 16th centuries,especially the development of the bKav brgyud and dGe lugs sects at that time,discusses the historical reason why the“holy madmen”in Tibetan Buddhism concentratedly appeared from the 14th to the 16th centuries and that they considered“madness”as a strategy to promote the teachings.
作者 张宁 ZHANG Ning
机构地区 中国藏学杂志社
出处 《中国藏学》 北大核心 2023年第5期150-158,218,共10页 China Tibetology
关键词 藏念嘿汝噶 疯圣者 噶举派 帕木竹巴政权 仁蚌巴 gTsang smyon Heruka “Holy madmen” bKav brgyud sect Phag mo gru pa Regime Rin spungs pa
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