

A Study on the Text of Dacheng mizang xianzheng benxu monishu juan(The Precious Wish-filling Tree:The Direct Realization of Tantra,the Secret Treasury of Mahāyāna):A Chinese Translation of the Tibetan Text of Sa skya Sect of Tibetan Buddhism during the Ming Dynasty
摘要 汉译《大乘密藏现证本续摩尼树卷》是藏传密教文献《大乘要道密集》中收录的一篇作品,译者应该是明代兼通汉藏双语的汉人译师莎南屹啰。该汉译本节译自元代萨迦派三祖扎巴坚赞所著《本续现证如意宝树》,内容仅为其中讲说“方便续”中有关“解脱道”的实修部分,即“殊胜大手印主要成就之五现证”中第三部分“观修圆满次第”、第四部分“得暖行行”、第五部分“观修近因阿哩葛哩自性菩提心”,以及“世间与出世间一切成就之五现证”,篇幅仅占全文的五分之一。文章主要考察了文本的著者、译者、主要内容、译本特点、翻译背景及研究意义等,以期从整体上对该文本有个大致的把握,并进而加深对明代藏传佛教萨迦派根本教法“道果法”于内地传播的认识及汉藏文化交流的理解。 The text of Dacheng mizang xianzheng benxu monishu juan(The Precious Wish-filling Tree:The Direct Realization of Tantra,the Secret Treasury of Mahāyāna)大乘密藏现证本续摩尼树卷is collected in Dacheng yaodao miji(The Secret Collection of Works on the Essential Path of Mahāyāna)大乘要道密集.The Chinese text was translated by bSod nams grags in the Ming Dynasty and the corresponding Tibetan text is part of the rGyud kyi mngon par rtogs pavi rin po chevi ljon shing(The Precious Wish-filling Tree:The Direct Realization of Tantra)written by Grags pa rgyal mtshan(1147—1216),the third leader of Sa skya sect of Tibetan Buddhism.The translator bSod nams grags possibly masters Chinese and Tibetan.The Tibetan text is an important work on philosophical systems(grub mthav).It is on the practice of path and result(lam vbras),the traditional doctrine of Sa skya sect.The Chinese text is not the complete translation of the Tibetan text but only accounts for about 1/5 of the full text,which consists of only the last three parts of the realization of the supreme siddhi of Mahāmūdra(gtso bo phyag rgya chen po mchog gi dngos grub bsgrub pavi mngon par rtogs pa lnga),i.e.,the meditation of the completion stage(rdzogs pavi rim pa bsgom pa),to attain the heat and practice(drod thob pas spyad pa spyod pa),the meditation of the immediate cause,the essence Bodhicitta ofāli kāli(nye bavi rgyuāli kālivi bdag nyid kyi byang chub kyi sems bsgom pa),the realization of all the siddhis of the world and beyond the world(vjig rten dang vjig rten las vdas pavi dngos grub mthav dag bsgrub pavi mngon par rtogs pa lnga).The content is part of the Path of Liberation(grol bar byed pavi lam),one aspect of the Methodical Tantra.This paper is on the author,the translator,the content,the characteristics of the Chinese translation,the background and the research meaning of this text,in order to have a general understanding of the text as a whole,and then deepen the understanding of the spread of the fundamental teachings of the“Path and Fruit”in the Sa skya sect of Tibetan Buddhism in the mainland during the Ming Dynasty,and the understanding of Han-Tibetan cultural exchanges.
作者 徐华兰 XU Hua-lan
机构地区 中国藏学出版社
出处 《中国藏学》 北大核心 2023年第4期104-110,215-216,共9页 China Tibetology
关键词 《大乘密藏现证本续摩尼树卷》 扎巴坚赞 莎南屹啰 汉译本 Dacheng mizang xianzheng benxu monishu juan(The Precious Wish-filling Tree:The Direct Realization of Tantra,the Secret Treasury of Mahāyāna) Grags pa rgyal mtshan bSod nams grags Chinese translation
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