

The Power Struggle between Rin spungs pa and Phag mo gru pa in the mid-Ming Dynasty——Taking the Changing Political and Religious Situation in sNye mo as an Example
摘要 明朝时期,帕木竹巴、仁蚌巴和辛厦巴先后成为西藏地方的主导力量。仁蚌巴历经近百年的西进和东扩之后,在15世纪末至16世纪初权势盛极一时,架空帕木竹巴并成为当时西藏地方事实上的掌权者。1517年帕木竹巴势力恢复后将其击败,仁蚌巴失去对前藏的管辖权后退回后藏。位于仁蚌东北部的尼木是仁蚌巴向东扩张的第一站,也是仁蚌巴兵败退缩时的最后防线。在明朝中叶仁蚌巴与帕木竹巴分庭抗礼、角逐权力的历史背景下,尼木成为双方激烈争夺的焦点。文章通过解读相关尚未被充分利用的藏文史料,将目光聚焦于尼木政教局势的演变,通过介绍16世纪中叶仁蚌巴与尼木当地贵族之间的合作与冲突,以期增进对仁蚌巴从称雄卫藏到彻底垮台这一历史过程的理解,并为研究明朝中央政府的治藏政策提供案例。 During the Ming Dynasty,Phag mo gru pa,Rin spungs pa and Zhing shag pa were three most important political entities in Xizang successively.After nearly a hundred years of westward and eastward expansion,Rin spungs pa became the actual ruler of Xizang in the late 15^(th)and early 16^(th)centuries.However,with the restoration of Phag mo gru pa's rule,Rin spungs pa gradually went into decline and lost its reign over dBus.The cooperation and conflict relationship between the Rin spungs pa and other nobles was an important factor affecting the rise and fall of the Rin spungs pa.The immediately adjacent area of sNye mo was the first stop of Rin spungs pa's expansion to the east,but also the last line of defense when Rin spungs pa retreated in defeat.In the historical context of the mid-Ming Dynasty,when the Rin spungs pa and the Phag mo gru pa were fighting against each other,sNye mo,located between dBus and gTsang,became a strategic point.By interpreting a large number of underused Tibetan materials,this paper focuses on the evolution of the situation of sNye mo area,and the causes and consequences of the conflict between Rin spungs pa and the local nobility of sNye mo in the mid-16^(th) century,in order to enhance the understanding of the historical process from the dominance of Rin spungs pa in Xizang to its complete downfall,and provide a case study of the policies implemented in Xizang by the Ming central government.
作者 张孝明 ZHANG Xiao-ming
出处 《中国藏学》 北大核心 2023年第4期82-92,213-214,共13页 China Tibetology
基金 西南民族大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(项目编号:2022SMQ002)成果 国家社科基金重大项目“一带一路”与藏传佛教发展研究(批准号:17ZDA230)的阶段性成果
关键词 明中叶 仁蚌巴 帕木竹巴 尼木 多封众建 Mid-Ming Dynasty Rin spungs pa Phag mo gru pa sNye mo Confer titles on leaders of Tibetan Buddhism
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