

Han-Tibetan Unity and News Narration in the Early Days of New China——the Investigation Centered on Xinhua Daily,the Official Newspaper of the Southwest Bureau
摘要 中共中央西南局机关报《新华日报》是新中国成立后在四川出版的第一张党报,在其存续的4年多时间里,始终把宣传汉藏团结作为重中之重。新中国成立初期,我国面临与美、英、印等在西藏问题上的复杂较量,舆论上亟须廓清历史,陈明西藏自古是中国领土这一毋庸置疑的事实;西康省藏族自治区于1950年年底设立后,报道藏胞建设家园与融入国家进程成为重要任务;而最为紧要的是进军西藏的统一大业宣传工作,遍传解放军与各族人民骨肉之情,一展举国同盼共庆西藏解放之景,是《新华日报》职所当为。文章梳理了《新华日报》在新中国成立至《十七条协议》在京签订前后有关汉藏团结的报道,该报如实记载了这一阶段的国家历史进程,生动叙写了国家统一、民族团结风貌,有助今日体察国家统一、民族团结之珍贵,领会自觉铸牢中华民族共同体意识之深意。 Xinhua Daily,the official newspaper of the Southwest Bureau of the CPC Central Committee,was the first party newspaper published in Sichuan after liberation.In its existence of more than four years,it had always taken the propaganda of Han-Tibetan unity as the top priority.In the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China,China faced a complex contest with the United States,Britain,India and other countries on the issue of Tibet.It was urgent for public opinion to expound history and clarify the indisputable fact that Tibet had been Chinese territory since ancient times.Xikang Province was established at the end of 1950,and it became an important task to report on the process of Tibetan people building their homeland and integrating into the country.The most urgent task was to publicize the liberation of Tibet.It was the duty of Xinhua Daily to spread the affection between the People’s Liberation Army and people of all ethnic groups and to show that all Chinese people are looking forward to the liberation of Tibet.The article sorts out the reports on Han-Tibetan unity from the founding of New China to the signing of the Seventeen-Article Agreement in Beijing by Xinhua Daily.Those reports faithfully recorded the national historical process at this stage,and vividly described the national unity and ethnic unity.It can help us today to appreciate the preciousness of national unity and ethnic unity,and to understand the profound meaning of consolidating the sense of community for the Chinese nation.
作者 吴祁 WU Qi
出处 《中国藏学》 北大核心 2023年第1期87-98,215,共13页 China Tibetology
基金 南京大学“双一流”建设卓越研究计划“社会学理论与中国研究”项目成果
关键词 《新华日报》 汉藏团结 报道 Xinhua Daily Han-Tibetan unity Report
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