
西藏自治区山南市吉如拉康保存的部分早期写卷及其插图 被引量:1

Some Early Manuscripts and Illustrations Preserved in the Keru Lhakhang,Lhokha City,Tibet
摘要 文章根据实地调查和前人研究,对西藏自治区山南市吐蕃时期始建的名寺吉如拉康保存的部分早期写卷及其插图和“幡画”的内容、时代、题材及风格进行了梳理和初步研究。结果显示,这些写卷和“幡画”为9—14世纪的古代文物,其中写本主要为佛教文献,内容显密兼有,且绝大多数经典都在吐蕃时期译入,部分写本同时保存有写经愿文,其文法、书写、装帧也不同程度保存有吐蕃时期古藏文写本的特点。按其中两份重要的写经愿文,该寺所在地在吐蕃王朝灭亡后被称为“温莫隆仁”,11—12世纪时由赞普后裔“额达衮乃”统治,蔡巴噶举创始人喇嘛尚参与了其中部分写本的校对、审定,写经还使用了汉地之墨。这些记载为西藏腹心地区这一时期的历史、政治、经济、文化及其与内地交流的研究都提供了十分珍贵的史料和实物证据。与此同时,写本中的彩绘插图和“幡画”的题材以诸佛菩萨为主,风格具有显著的波罗元素,与11—12世纪扎塘寺、大昭寺等拉萨和山南各个寺院中流行的壁画风格基本一致。鉴于卫藏腹心地区这一时期的写卷插图较少,这些插图不仅丰富了该地区此时期艺术的种类和形式,而且对于西藏写本插图艺术历史的演变也具有重要的学术价值。 Based on field investigation and previous studies,this paper makes a preliminary study on the contents,dates,themes and styles of some manuscripts and illustrations from the 9th to 14th centuries preserved in Keru Lhakang,Lhokha City,Tibet.Most of the manuscripts in the monastery are Buddhist documents,with both Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhist contents,and most were translated in the Tubo period.Some of the manuscripts also contain prayers,and their grammar,writing,and binding also preserved the characteristics of old Tibetan manuscripts in the Tubo period to varying degrees.According to two important prayers,the site of the monastery was called"vOl mo lung ring"after the demise of Tubo.In the 11th and 12th centuries,it was ruled by the descendants of bTsan-po.Lama Zhang,the founder of Tshal-pa bKav-brgyud,participated in the proofreading and approval of some of the manuscripts,and ink from Han region was also used in the writing.These records provide very precious historical materials and physical evidence for the study of the history,politics,economy,culture and exchanges with the mainland during this period.At the same time,the painted illustrations and"flank paintings"in the manuscripts are mainly about Buddhas and Bodhisattvas,and the style has obvious Pāla elements,similar to those murals popular in various monasteries in Lhasa and Shannan such as Gra-thang Monastery and Jokhang Temple in the 11th and 12th centuries.In view of the fact that there are few scroll illustrations of this period in the central area of dBus-gtsang,these illustrations not only enrich the types and forms of art in this period in this area,but also have important academic value for the study of the evolution of the art history of Tibetan manuscript illustrations.
作者 熊文彬 XIONG Wen-bin
出处 《中国藏学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期1-13,212,221,共15页 China Tibetology
基金 四川大学“2035先导计划·区域历史与考古文明(项目编号:2035xd02)”项目的阶段性成果
关键词 吉如拉康 早期写卷 插图 波罗风格元素 Keru Lhakhang Early manuscripts Illustrations Pāla style elements
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