

Research Progress of Na_(3)Zr_(2)Si_(2)PO_(12) Solid Electrolyte with NASICON-structure
摘要 社会科技的进步促进了电池储能技术的快速发展,生活中各色各样的电子元器件对储能电池的要求越来越高,研发出能量密度高、安全性高的储能材料是当下最紧迫的任务。但是,目前的二次电池多采用有机电解液,而有机电解液存在容易发生漏液、侵蚀电极、在过高温度下可能发生爆炸等问题。使用固态电解质,发展全固态电池,不仅有利于产品的微型化、形状多样化,还可以避免使用液态电解质会出现的问题,从而极大地减少安全隐患。NASICON(Na^(+)super ionic conductor)结构的Na_(3)Zr_(2)Si_(2)PO_(12)(NZSP)是目前最有前景的固态电解质材料之一,具有各向同性、不与Na反应、电导率高、分解电压高等优点。本文从NZSP晶体结构与离子扩散机理、合成方法、离子掺杂改性、NZSP固态电解质/电极界面修饰四个方面综述了NASICON结构Na_(3)Zr_(2)Si_(2)PO_(12)固体电解质近些年的研究进展,总结了Na_(3)Zr_(2)Si_(2)PO_(12)固体电解质在发展中遇到的困难与挑战,并提供了相应的解决方案。 The progress of social science and technology has promoted the rapid development of battery energy storage technology.The requirements of various electronic components in life for energy storage batteries are also increasing.It is the most urgent task to develop energy storage materials with high energy density and high safety.However,the current secondary batteries mostly use organic electrolyte,which is prone to leakage and erosion of electrodes,and may explode at high temperature.Using solid electrolyte to develop all⁃solid⁃state batteries is not only beneficial to the miniaturization and diversification of products,but also can avoid the problems of liquid electrolyte and greatly reduce the security risks.Na_(3)Zr_(2)Si_(2)PO_(12)(NZSP)of NASICON(Na^(+)super ionic conductor)⁃structure is one of the most promising solid electrolyte materials at present,which has the advantages of isotropic,non⁃reaction with Na,high conductivity and high decomposition voltage.In this paper,the research progress of Na_(3)Zr_(2)Si_(2)PO_(12)solid electrolyte with NASICON⁃structure in recent years is reviewed from the four aspects of NZSP crystal structure and ion diffusion mechanism,synthesis method,ion doping modification and NZSP solid electrolyte/electrode interface modification.Finally,difficulties and challenges encountered in the development of Na_(3)Zr_(2)Si_(2)PO_(12)solid electrolyte are summarized,with the solution direction provided.
作者 赵玉辉 张雅荣 吴勇民 朱蕾 郭俊 汤卫平 ZHAO Yuhui;ZHANG Yarong;WU Yongmin;ZHU Lei;GUO Jun;TANG Weiping(State Key Laboratory of Space Power Technology,Shanghai Institute of Space Power⁃Sources,Shanghai 200245,China;Chemical Engineering Institute,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 610054,China;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Shaanxi University of Science&Technology,Xi'an 710021,China)
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第S01期20-28,共9页 Materials Reports
关键词 电解质材料 离子掺杂 Na_(3)Zr_(2)Si_(2)PO_(12) NASICON结构 electrolyte material ion doping Na_(3)Zr_(2)Si_(2)PO_(12) NASICON(Na^(+)super ionic conductor)-structure
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