

Functionalism Beyond Power Politics——Studyon the Perpetual Peace thought of Mitrany from the Perspective of Comparative Politics
摘要 威斯特伐利亚体系确立以降,国际冲突和世界大战从未停止,极端民族主义对于政治界限的崇拜更是不断加深世界政治分裂,而弥合世界政治分裂的尝试却纷纷无疾而终。1943年米特兰尼在《有效和平体系》中提出功能主义,通过国际行为体之间的利益整合,跨越政治界限,实现国家主权向国际功能性组织的转移,弥合世界政治分裂,构建有效和平体系。米特兰尼以其独特的理论术语为构建有效和平体系提出一种超越"权力政治"的理论路径。因此,在比较政治视域下还原功能主义——米特兰尼永久和平思想,有助于重新理解和认识功能主义,为推进当代全球治理提供有益的理论养分。 Since the establishment of the Westphalia system,international conflicts and world wars have never stopped,and the worship of political boundaries by ultra-nationalism has deepened the division of world politics,while attempts to bridge the division of world politics have failed one after another.In 1943,Mitrany proposed functionalism in the effective peace system,which realized the transfer of state sovereignty to the international functional organization,healed the world political division,and built an effective peace system by integrating the interests of international actors and crossing"political boundaries".With his unique theoretical terms,Mitrany proposed a theoretical path beyond"power politics"to build an effective peace system after the war.Therefore,on the perspective of comparative politics restore functionalism—the perpetual peace thought of Mitrany,and the interpretation of Mitrany functionalism is helpful to re-understand and recognize functionalism,and provide beneficial theoretical nutrients for the promotion of contemporary global governance.
作者 郭海峰 崔文奎 Guo Haifeng;Cui Wenkui
出处 《比较政治学研究》 2019年第2期154-176,357,共24页 Comparative Politics Studies
关键词 权力政治 功能主义 有效和平体系 欧洲一体化 全球治理 power politics functionalism a working peace system european integration global governance
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