文章以曾在哈尔滨生活过多年,并随哈尔滨交响乐团赴日本演出的、已故美国南加州大学教授彼得·伯尔顿(Peter A. Berton,1922-2014)有关哈尔滨音乐生活的文章和回忆为主,佐以《以色列原居中国犹太人协会简报》、国外哈尔滨犹太人网站、美国大屠杀博物馆网站上的相关通讯、照片和文字,来重构20世纪20-40年代哈尔滨的音乐生活。作为哈尔滨音乐活动的参与者与见证者,伯尔顿的回忆不仅为我们研究那个时代哈尔滨都市声音景,观提供了珍贵的第一手资料,对我们了解当时哈尔滨专业及社会音乐的发展、音乐社团、音乐与政治、从哈尔滨走向世界的音乐家等也提供了鲜活的例证。
Born in Bialystok,Poland,into a Russian-speaking family,Peter A. Berton(1922-2014)and his mother joined his father in Harbin in 1928. There he lived from 1928 to 1941 and studied at the local Talmud-Torah and various other schools before finding his métier as a talented violinist. Drawing primarily on his memoirs,unpublished conference papers,English newspapers,Jewish periodicals,and other writings,this paper attempts to reconstruct the vibrant musical and cultural life of Harbin Jewish diaspora from the 1920s to the early 1940s and argues that music is a particularly rewarding field for examining transnational musical flows. Besides highlighting Jewish Musicians’ role in the dissemination of Western Music in Harbin,the paper also discusses the history of Jewish refugee musicians within the Harbin setting and the musical importance of Harbin as a Sino-European contact zone.
Journal of the Northern Music