华莱士·贝里(Wallace Berry,1928-1991)是一位活跃在20下半叶的美国的加拿大籍音乐理论家、作曲家、教育家、钢琴家。他是美国音乐理论协会(SMT)的创始人之一,著有四本著作与大量论文。1991年音乐理论协会设立了“华莱士·贝里奖”,以表彰在音乐理论领域出版的杰出著作。他的著作《音乐的结构功能》以详实的分析与独特的创见使读者耳目一新。该著作是当代音乐学术前沿的集大成者,折射出美国音乐理论研究多元并存的状况,被视为20世纪“动能论”学派成熟的代表作之一。文章对该著作内容加以梳理,阐述其学术渊源。
Canadian music theorist,composer,educator,and pianist Wallace Berry(1928-1991)was active in the United States in the second half of the 20th century.He was a founding member of the Society for Music Theory(SMT)and the author of four books and numerous papers.In 1991,the SMT established an award for outstanding publications in the field of music theory named the Wallace Berry Award.With detailed analysis and unique insight,his The Structural Function in Music brought a new perspective for the reader.As one of the most significant researches of the contemporary music frontier,it reflected the diversity of music theory research in the United States regarded as one of the mature works of the kinetic energy theory in the 20th century.The article summarizes the contents of the book and explains its academic origins.
Journal of the Northern Music
Wallace Berry
The Structural Function of Music
Kinetic Energy Theory